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OPIT - Open Institute of Technology

The imperative of ethical AI practices in higher education
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
March 15, 2024 · min read

The journey towards building ethical AI is challenging, yet it also presents an opportunity to shape a future where technology serves as a force for good

By Riccardo Ocleppo, March 14th 2024

Source here:eCampus News

In the exponentially-evolving realm of artificial intelligence (AI), concerns surrounding AI bias have risen to the forefront, demanding a collective effort towards fostering ethical AI practices. This necessitates understanding the multifaceted causes and potential ramifications of AI bias, exploring actionable solutions, and acknowledging the key role of higher education institutions in this endeavor.

Unveiling the roots of AI bias

AI bias is the inherent, often systemic, unfairness embedded within AI algorithms. These biases can stem from various sources, with data used to train AI models often acting as the primary culprit. If this data reflects inequalities or societal prejudices, it can unintentionally translate into skewed algorithms perpetuating those biases. But bias can also work the other way around: take the recent case of bias by Google Gemini, where the generative AI created by Google, biased by the necessity of more inclusiveness, actually generated responses and images that have nothing to do with the reality it was prompted to depict.

Furthermore, the complexity of AI models, frequently characterized by intricate algorithms and opaque decision-making processes, compounds the issue. The very nature of these models makes pinpointing and rectifying embedded biases a significant challenge.

Mitigating the impact: Actionable data practices

Actionable data practices are essential to address these complexities. Ensuring diversity and representativeness within training datasets is a crucial first step. This involves actively seeking data encompassing a broad spectrum of demographics, cultures, and perspectives, ensuring the AI model doesn’t simply replicate existing biases.

In conjunction with diversifying data, rigorous testing across different demographic groups is vital. Evaluating the AI model’s performance across various scenarios unveils potential biases that might otherwise remain hidden. Additionally, fostering transparency in AI algorithms and their decision-making processes is crucial. By allowing for scrutiny and accountability, transparency empowers stakeholders to assess whether the AI functions unbiasedly.

The ongoing journey of building ethical AI

Developing ethical AI is not a one-time fix; it requires continuous vigilance and adaptation. This ongoing journey necessitates several key steps:

  • Establishing ethical guidelines: Organizations must clearly define ethical standards for AI development and use, reflecting fundamental values such as fairness, accountability, and transparency. These guidelines serve as a roadmap, ensuring AI projects align with ethical principles.
  • Creating multidisciplinary teams: Incorporating diverse perspectives into AI development is crucial. Teams of technologists, ethicists, sociologists, and individuals representing potentially impacted communities can anticipate and mitigate biases through broader perspectives.
  • Fostering an ethical culture: Beyond establishing guidelines and assembling diverse teams, cultivating an organizational culture prioritizes ethical considerations in all AI projects is essential. Embedding ethical principles into an organization’s core values and everyday practices ensures ethical considerations are woven into the very fabric of AI development.

The consequences of unchecked bias

Ignoring the potential pitfalls of AI bias can lead to unintended and often profound consequences, impacting various aspects of our lives. From reinforcing social inequalities to eroding trust in AI systems, unchecked bias can foster widespread skepticism and resistance toward technological advancements.

Moreover, biased AI can inadvertently influence decision-making in critical areas such as healthcare, employment, and law enforcement. Imagine biased algorithms used in loan applications unfairly disadvantaging certain demographics or in facial recognition software incorrectly identifying individuals, potentially leading to unjust detentions. These are just a few examples of how unchecked AI bias can perpetuate inequalities and create disparities.

The role of higher education in fostering change

Higher education institutions have a pivotal role to play in addressing AI bias and fostering the development of ethical AI practices:

  • Integrating ethics into curricula: By integrating ethics modules into AI and computer science curricula, universities can equip future generations of technologists with the necessary tools and frameworks to identify, understand, and combat AI bias. This empowers them to develop and deploy AI responsibly, ensuring their creations are fair and inclusive.
  • Leading by example: Beyond educating future generations, universities can also lead by example through their own research initiatives. Research institutions are uniquely positioned to delve into the complex challenges of AI bias, developing innovative solutions for bias detection and mitigation. Their research can inform and guide broader efforts towards building ethical AI.
  • Fostering interdisciplinary collaboration: The multifaceted nature of AI bias necessitates a collaborative approach. Universities can convene experts from various fields, including computer scientists, ethicists, legal scholars, and social scientists, to tackle the challenges of AI bias from diverse perspectives. This collaborative spirit can foster innovative and comprehensive solutions.
  • Facilitating public discourse: Universities, as centers of knowledge and critical thinking, can serve as forums for public discourse on ethical AI. They can facilitate conversations between technologists, policymakers, and the broader community through dialogues, workshops, and conferences. This public engagement is crucial for raising awareness, fostering understanding, and promoting responsible development and deployment of AI.

Several universities and higher education institutions, wallowing in the above principles, have created technical degrees in artificial intelligence shaping the artificial intelligence professionals of tomorrow by combining advanced technical skills in AI areas such as machine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing while developing in each one of them ethical and human-centered implications.

Also, we are seeing prominent universities throughout the globe (more notably, Yale and Oxford) creating research departments on AI and ethics.


The journey towards building ethical AI is challenging, yet it also presents an opportunity to shape a future where technology serves as a force for good. By acknowledging the complex causes of AI bias, adopting actionable data practices, and committing to the ongoing effort of building ethical AI, we can mitigate the unintended consequences of biased algorithms. With their rich reservoir of knowledge and expertise, higher education institutions are at the forefront of this vital endeavor, paving the way for a more just and equitable digital age.

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A Day in the Life of an OPIT Student
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OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
March 13, 2024 · min read

When it comes to traditional classroom learning, every day looks pretty much the same. You commute to your lectures, sit in a designated classroom, engage with your instructors and peers, and go home and study. This repetitive grind often leaves students yearning for a more dynamic and flexible educational experience.

Enter online learning.

When you study online, you have the freedom to craft your own schedule, escape the confining classroom setting, and explore diverse learning materials at your own pace.

Of course, this doesn’t mean your day shouldn’t be structured and well-organized. It just means that online learning firmly puts the reins of your education in your hands, allowing you to decide when, where, and how you engage with your coursework.

With this in mind, let’s explore what a day in the life of an Open Institute of Technology (OPIT) student might look like.

How an OPIT Student Spends an Average Day

Before diving into the specifics, let’s get to know the online “classroom” OPIT students spend most of their days at – Canvas LMS (Learning Management System).

Canvas LMS is the world’s No. 1 teaching and learning software, revolutionizing the educational experience for OPIT students. This robust LMS serves as a virtual hub for all academic activities, from live lectures to discussion boards.

Canvas LMS checks all the boxes for an enjoyable learning experience – it’s user-friendly, easy to navigate, interactive, and adaptable. Talk about a superior alternative to a traditional classroom!

Without further ado, let’s visit this platform and commence our day of immersive virtual classes, interactive discussions, and self-paced study sessions.

1. Log In to the Canvas LMS

The great thing about online education is that you can start your day whenever you’d like. Still, most OPIT students visit their Canvas account in the morning to check important updates, assignments, and announcements. Of course, this visit can also jog their memory about upcoming deadlines and live sessions.

But doesn’t the platform get confusing with all these different elements?

Absolutely not!

Here’s a quick breakdown of what OPIT students see once they log in.

First up – the dashboard. This centralized hub provides a neat overview of all the courses our students are enrolled in. So, for instance, if the student is pursuing a Master’s Degree (MSc) in Enterprise Security, they’ll see courses like “Cybersecurity Fundamentals and Governance,” “Data Analytics and Risk Management,” and “Cryptography and Secure Communications.”

On the right, next to the dashboard, students can see all their to-do activities, such as live lectures, study sessions, and student mixers. With this handy list, OPIT allows students to always stay on top of their game, as keeping a to-do list is a huge must in online learning.

If we were to go to the left, we’d see an easy-to-follow menu with tabs like “Courses,” “Inbox,” and “Help.” But these don’t come into play just yet. OPIT students typically first check their “Calendar” tab.

Though keeping tabs on all the activities in the calendar is essential for a productive day, our students typically prioritize two – live sessions and assessments (with their due dates).

When there’s a live session, the entire day is centered around it to ensure active participation.

Let’s make our fictional day one of these days to make it more interesting. As an example, suppose the lecture starts at 7 p.m., which OPIT students can find out by clicking on the live session in the calendar. There will also be a Zoom link to facilitate easy access when the time comes.

As far as the assessments go, students should always make sure there aren’t any with due dates close together. If there are, they know what to do – tackle them on time and avoid any last-minute stress.

2. Check the Course Content

At this point, our student knows exactly what their day will look like. Since the focus of that day will be on the live session, it’s time to get acquainted with the course content relevant to the upcoming lecture.

A quick click on the course in question, followed by the “Modules” tab, is all it takes to access this content.

The “Module” tab offers a neat overview of all the past and upcoming modules, broken down into theoretical and practical portions. With well-thought-out overviews, PowerPoint presentations, and tutorials, OPIT students can prep for the live session hassle-free.

3. Start Studying

Now that our students know what to expect from the live session, it’s time to get down to focused studying. Since the live session is in the evening, there’s plenty of time to go over the new module, revise the past one(s), and solidify their understanding.

To make the most out of their study time, OPIT students usually plan it in advance, especially when they intend to work on more than one module at a time. This helps them stay on track and avoid the ever-so-tempting procrastination.

As far as the studying itself goes, it’s all up to our students. They can tackle the material in short bursts or dedicate larger blocks of time to focus on the matter at hand. Whatever works for them!

4. Ask for Help

With online learning and self-paced studying, it’s perfectly normal to encounter challenging concepts and have numerous questions in the process. Moreover, these questions don’t necessarily have to do anything with the course material. Students might struggle to organize their time, balance priorities, or adapt to the online learning environment itself. Whatever the case, we’ve got great news – OPIT has an incredible support system in place.

That’s why our students will take some time after their study session to schedule a meeting with Sara Ciabattoni, OPIT’s Class Coordinator. During this 20-minute meeting, they will greatly benefit from Sarah’s expertise and guidance, allowing them to return to their studies with renewed confidence.

Like everything in Canvas LMS, scheduling this meeting takes only a few clicks. Visit the Class Coordinator Virtual Office, choose your preferred date and time, hit “Next,” and you’re good to go. Upon confirmation, Sarah will provide all the necessary conferencing details. Best of all? The meeting will automatically be added to the student’s Google calendar, so there’s no need to deal with these technicalities.

5. Take a Break Before Live Session

At this point, the day has already been filled with lots of helpful activities, productive studying, and valuable preparation. Do you know what this means? That’s right – a break is well-deserved!

During the break, OPIT students can do virtually whatever they want. After all, they’re home or in their chosen environment. Most of them use the break to relax, do something enjoyable, or grab a meal. Some will even use it to change the scenery a little before the live session.

The great news is that Canvas can come with them wherever they go. Canvas LMS offers a nifty app that allows students to check their calendars, see relevant activities, and read notifications on the go. This adds another layer of flexibility to this already incredibly convenient learning experience.

6. Attend the Live Session

Cue a ringing school bell – it’s time for the live session!

By this time, our students have already found the perfect environment to immerse themselves in the live session. Once the session begins, they can actively listen, take notes, or ask questions. OPIT’s amazing faculty is there to facilitate an engaging and interactive learning experience with lots of valuable insights and guidance.

7. Check the Grades

Thanks to the revitalizing break before the live session, our students won’t be too tired for some more work even after the session has concluded. But first – a quick check of the grades.

Unsurprisingly, grades can be accessed in two clicks by visiting the tab of the same name under “Courses”. One more click is all it takes to understand how these grades have been earned.

8. Work on Assessments

Let’s say our student enjoys studying in the evening and has a lot of energy left after the live lecture. In that case, it’s time to tackle some assignments.

Since OPIT continually assesses its students instead of hitting them with one huge final, keeping up with assignments is crucial.

These assignments often call for teamwork, which Canvas makes easy. A visit to the “Collaborations” tab under “Courses” and a click on the “Start a New Collaboration” button can be the beginning of an incredibly fruitful collaboration.

OPIT students typically use WhatsApp to communicate outside the “official” Canvas and Slack platforms, so a quick message is enough to get all the teammates together.

9. Talk to a Career Advisor

OPIT students nearing the end of their academic journey at our institution typically have important decisions to make regarding their career paths. That’s why it’s perfectly normal to feel slightly anxious or overwhelmed at the end of the day.

So, let’s schedule a valuable one-on-one consultation with the Head of Career Services at OPIT before signing off. The unbelievably experienced Mike McCulloch is at our student’s disposal for any career-related concerns, guidance, or support.

10. Revel in a Day Well-Spent

At the end of such a day, all our students can do is pat themselves on the back. Here at OPIT, we’d like to believe we also have a part in this sense of achievement, thanks to the unparalleled flexibility, clarity, and support we offer.

But what will your typical day as an OPIT student look like? Start your academic journey at this prestigious institution to find out.


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How to Manage Your Time the Best: Tips From OPIT Coordinator
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OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
March 01, 2024 · min read

Online studying offers numerous benefits. You get to learn at your own pace (from the comfort of your home), access significantly more resources, and manage your schedule. But that last part isn’t always easy.

When left to your own devices, you might start procrastinating and losing track of time. Then, before you know it, finals are approaching, and you’re nowhere near prepared.

Luckily, we have a solution for this common challenge here at the Open Institute of Technology (OPIT)—or two solutions, to be precise.

One, there are no finals. You’re continually assessed by the incredible faculty, pushing you to engage with the material throughout the course. And two, OPIT’s amazing class coordinator, Sara Ciabattoni, is here to help you overcome specific challenges with procrastination and other issues (e.g., complex and overwhelming tasks).

For this guide, we asked Sara to share her top 10 time management tips. Since time is money, let’s dive in!

1. Reflect on Your Current Time Management Approach

Do you constantly feel overwhelmed and fail to keep up with your tasks? If so, something’s not working. It’s probably time to reassess your approach to time management. And by this, Sara doesn’t just mean your studying time. Instead, she implores you to reflect on how you usually manage time in your everyday life.

Become aware of your time management habits (both good and bad), and a more effective approach to studying is right around the corner.

Let’s say you excel at focusing in the morning but find it difficult to do so in the afternoon. In that case, leave your most demanding study tasks for the morning, aka your peak focus hours. The more time passes, the less complex your tasks should be.

Similarly, if you tend to procrastinate, your goal is to answer a single question – why?

Sometimes, the cause is something silly, such as the so-called FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), which keeps you glued to your screen. In other situations, the cause might be more serious (e.g., an innate fear of failure). Whatever the case, address these underlying issues promptly, as this is the only way to make the most out of your study time.

2. Create a Manageable Routine

No one can do it all at once (And no one should!). So, start by making a list of priorities and turning them into a to-do list. Make seven to-do lists, and you have a manageable weekly schedule that suits your day-to-day life.

If you struggle with prioritizing tasks, you can use the ABC method. Here’s an example to help you visualize this method in practice.

Let’s say you’re pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree (BSc) in Modern Computer Science at OPIT. The elective “Agile Development and DevOps” subject teaches you to implement software projects successfully.

For this subject, an “A” task would be to prepare for a specific real-world scenario developers encounter every day. You’ll experience several of these valuable and time-sensitive scenarios, making them tasks of the highest priority.

For a “B” task, you can practice using Microsoft Azure. This task is important but not as urgent as your “A” task.

Finally, a “C” task can entail working on your negotiation skills to help you convince team members to adopt a specific DevOps methodology. As you can probably guess, “C” tasks are tasks of lower priority, usually because they’re less time-sensitive.

3. Introduce Variety

Sure, this tip doesn’t directly impact your time management. However, it does play a huge role in whether you’ll stick to your studying routine.

If you always study in the same place and in the same way, you’re bound to get bored and lose motivation. So, try mixing things up a little.

For instance, instead of re-reading the course materials over and over again to memorize them, try turning them into a flowchart or a mind map. These handy visual tools can help you grasp concepts differently and make studying more engaging.

4. Take Advantage of All the Available Resources

OPIT prides itself on the wealth of resources available to students, each crafted from scratch. But these resources aren’t only concerned with studying. The OPIT Hub also contains helpful tools you can use to navigate your online studying journey.

One of these resources is a weekly planner designed to turn your priorities into a manageable weekly schedule. Like everything at OPIT, this planner is highly customizable, allowing you to tailor it to your unique needs and preferences.

5. Connect With Others

At OPIT, we also set priorities. One of them is for our students to never feel alone. That’s why we offer an extensive support network to ensure you always have someone to turn to.

So, don’t hesitate to ask for help if you feel stuck or lost. Besides OPIT’s staff, you should connect with your peers and even form online study groups. This will help you keep up with your tasks in a more collaborative and supportive environment. And hey – you might even get to make new friends from all over the world!

6. Don’t Forget About Downtime

Creating a solid schedule isn’t about filling every available moment with a task. Sure, it’s important to get your work done. However, it’s equally crucial to prevent burnout. How can you do this? By including downtime in your schedule.

Of course, you can use your downtime however you see fit. But Sara suggests spending it with your loved ones whenever possible. This will boost your mood and overall well-being, making subsequent studying a breeze. It will also help you achieve the most coveted of all goals – a healthy work-life balance.

But don’t forget – “work” is still a key element of this balance. So, make sure the people in your life also know your schedule (and are willing to respect it).

7. Never Sacrifice Your Basic Needs

Sure, it might seem to you that you’ll get more done if you wake up super early. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Failing to get enough sleep can only make you less productive, both that day and in the long run.

So, make sure you leave enough time for a good night’s sleep in your schedule. For the best possible results, aim for seven to nine hours.

8. Avoid Jam-Packing Your Schedule

When it comes to estimating how much time you need to allocate for a specific task, remember this – it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Overestimating the time you’ll need for a complex task trumps underestimating every single time. Why? If you underestimate the time you’ll need to complete a task, you’ll feel extremely stressed upon realizing that your deadline is approaching and the work is not yet completed. This will cause you to fall behind on your entire schedule or, even worse, rush through work and compromise its quality.

Overestimating, on the other hand, provides a safety net for unforeseen challenges. Finish the task(s) before the allocated time, and you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment like no other! But it’s OK even if you don’t, as there’s enough time for everything.

Another approach you can take is to break larger tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks. Then, you can allocate a shorter amount of time to each sub-task and feel great when you get it done.

9. Be Kind to Yourself

You can devise the perfect studying plan for the week with enough room for studying, revising, and relaxing. You can even go into the week refreshed, ready to take on any challenge. And yet, it can all fall apart the second that week begins. And that’s OK!

Some days just don’t go as planned. You might receive some bad news or encounter unexpected challenges that disrupt your schedule.

So, be kind to yourself if you’re going through one of these days. Remember that the day will pass just as quickly as it came, and you’ll be back on track in no time.

10. Measure (and Celebrate) Your Progress

How can you tell whether your schedule is truly working? By measuring your progress, of course! Format every task as a SMART goal, and you’ll always know where you stand.

Let’s see what this means using another subject at OPIT – “Web Development.”

  • Specific: “I will learn to create a domain hosting comparison report.”
  • Measurable: “I will create at least three reliable reports.”
  • Attainable: “I have already received the theoretical knowledge necessary for this task.”
  • Relevant: “Creating these reports will enhance my understanding of existing domain host options.”
  • Time-bound: “I will complete the three reports by the end of the week.”

If you succeed in completing these reports by the end of the week, give yourself a little reward. It’s crucial for you to celebrate your progress, no matter how small or big. This is the only way to stay motivated in the long run and maintain a positive mindset throughout your academic journey at OPIT.

There’s No One-Size-Fits-All Solution

When it comes to student support, OPIT emphasizes a personal approach to every student. That’s why it’s crucial to remember that no single time management solution will help all students. After all, each student faces specific challenges, leads a unique lifestyle, and has an individual learning style.

However, as long as you combine Sara’s tips with methods that have proven successful for your specific circumstances (and preferences), you should have no issue excelling at online studying.


Read the article Interview with Riccardo Ocleppo, Founder & Director of OPIT
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OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
February 19, 2024 · min read

In this article, Riccardo Ocleppo, Founder & Director of the Open Institute of Technology (OPIT), leverages his experience from Docsity to revolutionize higher education. OPIT aims to innovate and modernize education by offering high-quality tech degrees at an affordable price. It prioritizes hands-on learning to bridge the theory-practice gap and fosters diverse skill sets and networking opportunities.

Discover OPIT’s innovative approach, which includes embedding AI across all its degree programs, in the full article at

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OPIT: How Its Founder Created It
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OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
February 09, 2024 · min read

The Open Institute of Technology (OPIT) is a unique institution through and through. From an unparalleled support team that guides you every step of the way to state-of-the-art virtual resources, OPIT redefines online learning. This institution also proves that online education can be as enriching as its traditional counterpart. Better yet, it can outperform it in numerous aspects.

This fact alone begs the question – how did it all begin?

To answer this question, we’ll go straight to the source – the founder of OPIT, Riccardo Ocleppo.

In this article, Riccardo will walk us through his journey of envisioning (and building) OPIT and transforming online education in the process.

The Pre-OPIT Years: Where It All Began

To understand how Riccardo came up with the idea for OPIT, we must travel back to the year 2006. That’s when Riccardo graduated from Politecnico di Torino with a bachelor’s in electronics engineering.

This institution is arguably the most prestigious in Italy (and one of the most reputable in Europe). So, it shouldn’t be surprising that Riccardo chose to continue his education here, pursuing a master’s degree.

He completed the master’s program in 2008 and did so with honors.

Yet, Riccardo couldn’t shake the impression that it was all in vain. In his words, “When I left the university, I had the impression that I could do very little, and I knew very little that could help me in my professional endeavors.”

But Riccardo decided not to sit idly by.

He saw it this way – it might be too late for him, as he was done with his studies. But it’s certainly not too late for future students who deserve a better education. That’s why, only two years later, in 2010, he founded Docsity.

Docsity is an online social learning network with over 20 million registered students. Thanks to this network, over 250 universities worldwide received help in improving their study programs (and finding students).

Docsity also gave Riccardo a chance to fully immerse himself into the education sector for over a decade, finding new ways to reform it from within.

OPIT’s Inception: From Vision to Reality

With the knowledge (and the resources) from Docsity, Riccardo started working on a platform designed to provide the kind of education he wished he had received. The platform in question was, of course, the Open Institute of Technology.

The primary goal of OPIT was to bridge the gap between “what students expect, what companies need, and what higher-level institutions actually deliver in terms of training and education.”

From Riccardo’s experience, this gap was pretty huge. Remember that even with a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in electronics engineering, he felt he had little to offer to companies.

This perceived shortcoming primarily comes from the fact he received a lot of theory at the university but very little practice. And that’s not to mention how outdated the curriculum was, as well as laser-focused on electronics engineering. In other words, bid farewell to “competencies on the most recent technologies and project management methodologies.”

This perspective made him determined to create a holistic educational solution. Or, as Riccardo puts it, “When designing OPIT’s degree programs to address the skills in high demand today, we chose to start from scratch to go beyond the limits of traditional higher education.”

At OPIT, you’ll receive valuable knowledge beyond theory. Essentially, OPIT equips you with everything you need to enter the job market, ready to excel in your field from day one (or day zero, as Riccardo calls it!).

Tailored for Triumph: OPIT’s Unique Programs

Designing any online curriculum is no easy task. However, the computer science field comes with its unique set of challenges. Why?

This field is constantly evolving. That’s what makes it difficult for most traditional higher education institutions to keep up. As Riccardo puts it, “[These institutions] are very slow to adapt to this wave of new technologies and new trends within the educational sector.” Of course, thanks to Docsity, Riccardo speaks from extensive experience, as he’s seen “multiple times how difficult it is to help these institutions update their study curriculum.”

Companies have it no easier.

Riccardo says, “A company needs one to two years to make people that should be trained on today’s technologies and on today’s skills effectively enter the job market and be productive when they enter these companies.”

Again, Riccardo speaks from personal experience. As a founder of a tech company (and a manager in others), he was tasked with creating and managing big tech teams on several occasions. However, despite interviewing hundreds of candidates, he couldn’t find those trained in today’s technologies, not those from 20 years ago.

With this in mind, he designed OPIT’s curriculum to effectively “train the next generation of leaders and managers in the field of computer science.” Many people helped him in this endeavor, chief among them Professor Francesco Profumo, current head of institution at OPIT and former Minister of Education in Italy.

This unique approach makes OPIT’s programs different in terms of how they’ve been conceived and how they’ll be delivered.

Take the Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Modern Computer Science program as an example.

Riccardo says that to be a great programmer, “you cannot just dive into programming itself.” First, you must understand how a computer is built and how its various units operate and communicate. This way, you’ll have no issues debugging a code in the future since you’ll understand the underlying mechanisms.

These underlying systems and foundational skills are precisely what is taught during the first term of the modern computer science program. Afterward, you’ll move toward the latest advancements in computer science, including machine learning, artificial intelligence, data science, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. This way, you’ll have quite a broad perspective on computer science, rarely seen in other educational programs, online or offline.

It also means you won’t have to specialize in a particular field, as you’re forced to do with many other programs. In Riccardo’s opinion, the master’s degree is where you should begin your specialization journey.

OPIT offers as many as four master’s degree programs, but Riccardo focuses on Applied Data Science & AI this time.

In Riccardo’s words, “The whole purpose of this [program] is actually to train people that do not want to pursue a super technical career but actually want to pursue a career at the intersection between the tech and the management of a company.” In other words, individuals who complete this program will acquire all the necessary tech skills. However, they’ll also be able to ensure the tech team is “correctly understood by the management of the company,” thanks to the managerial skills earned during the program.

Of course, this program also covers all the essential theoretical knowledge, from Python to machine learning. But it also has a solid applicative angle, teaching students how to use the most valuable tools available in today’s market. Simply put, you’re training “for what you’ll be doing when you enter your next job.”


Breaking the Mold: What Sets OPIT Apart

The unique curriculum isn’t the only thing that sets OPIT apart from other higher education institutions in the same field. Here’s what Riccardo singles out as OPIT’s most appealing characteristics.

Continuous Assessment

Learning at your own pace can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you have all the flexibility and freedom to organize your studies (and life). On the other, you might start procrastinating without a traditional daily commitment of in-classroom learning.

OPIT ensures this unfortunate scenario never happens by doing away with one big final exam you must cram for. Instead, you’ll be continuously assessed throughout the program, allowing you a much better approach to learning and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

As Riccardo puts it, OPIT will give you “multiple checkpoints,” preventing you from getting “lost” throughout the learning process.

New Learning Resources

According to Riccardo, most of today’s available resources were created for the “oldest wave of education.” That’s why he (and his team) created all OPIT resources and learning materials from scratch, giving you a fresh perspective on the tech world. These resources also come in the form of engaging videos, which are short enough to keep you fully focused yet detailed enough to provide a deep understanding of the topic.

World-Class Professors

Let’s not sugarcoat it – modern resources mean nothing if the professors teaching them still stick to old-school principles and approaches. Luckily, this isn’t the case with OPIT’s faculty.

Every member of this faculty has been carefully selected based on their academic expertise, business experience, and global perspective. These professors aim to “help you learn in a more engaging and interesting way,” as Riccardo puts it.

He also adds that OPIT’s faculty breaks away from the common saying in academics, “Those who can’t do, teach.” In his words, “We didn’t want to have people that can teach because they cannot do,” so that’s the standard he prioritized when bringing people on board.

Future-Proof Your Career

Now that you know the fascinating tale of OPIT’s conception, all that’s left to do is to get in touch with our team of experts and take the first step in future-proofing your career. As you’ve already seen, OPIT will take care of most of the subsequent steps. All you need is a desire to learn and an interest in developing new skills, and success is imminent.

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Get to Know Our Faculty
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OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
February 02, 2024 · min read

At the Open Institute of Technology (OPIT), we have a simple goal – to provide high-quality yet accessible education in the technology field. But for our courses to be high-quality, the professors behind them must be equally exceptional.

And they absolutely are.

The OPIT professors are paragons of expertise and passion. Each professor has been handpicked for their profound understanding of technology, coupled with extensive academic achievements and industry experience. That’s why these architects of knowledge bring both theoretical depth and real-world insights into every class at OPIT.

So, what better way to get to know our world-class OPIT faculty than to hear their thoughts on the topics they’re passionate about? In this article, you’ll read what five of our top-notch faculty members have to say about tech innovations transforming the world. Of course, you’ll also get a quick overview of other members of our inspiring faculty shaping the next generation of leaders in technology and digital space.

The OPIT Faculty at a Glance

Before diving into our faculty members’ fascinating biographies and insights, let’s take a moment to appreciate the diverse expertise that forms the backbone of OPIT.

Our faculty is a mosaic of over 30 accomplished professionals from all over the world, each bringing a unique perspective to the table.

And that’s the beauty of online learning. How else would you be able to connect with experts spanning the globe, all from the comfort of your own home?

Our inspiring faculty comes from over 15 countries and four continents. The U.S., Canada, Brazil, Lebanon, Germany, France, India and Italy are just some of the nations represented. This collage of diverse backgrounds (and experiences) ensures that your education at OPIT transcends geographical boundaries, offering a truly global perspective on technology.

Meet the OPIT Faculty at the Forefront of Technology

Now that you have a better idea of the diverse expertise within our faculty, let’s introduce you to the brilliant minds at the forefront of technology education at OPIT. This time, we asked five of our esteemed faculty members how recent tech innovations have transformed the world. Here are their answers.

Raj Dasgupta, Ph.D.

Professor Raj Dasgupta is an impressive individual in every regard. He’s currently a research scientist at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory after teaching computer science for almost 18 years at the University of Nebraska. His research projects have been funded by the U.S. Department of Defense and NASA, and he has earned a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the University of California. Talk about a multifaceted professional!

At OPIT, Professor Dasgupta teaches Data Structures and Algorithms, Reinforcement Learning, and Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in the Bachelor of Science in Modern Computer Science program. The last subject is also a part of the Bachelor of Science in Digital Business program. He also teaches Machine Learning in the Responsible Artificial Intelligence program.

When asked about the transformative impact of tech innovations, Professor Dasgupta singled out the brain-computer interface (BCI) system as the technology that fascinates him the most. He explains, “We have been able to link the human thought, the human brain, with these assistive devices.” This connection means that these BCI systems can extract (and use) any thoughts from people who can’t speak for themselves or express their thoughts. As Professor Dasgupta puts it, all it takes is for them to “just think what they want to do.”


Santhosh Suresh, Ph.D.

With giants like PayPal, Meta, and McKinsey & Company on his resume at a young age, it’s evident that Professor Santhosh Suresh possesses remarkable expertise in business problem-solving. Business Problem Solving is precisely the subject he teaches at OPIT’s Master of Science in Applied Data Science & AI and Applied Digital Business programs.

So, it’s no wonder his answer to our question also focuses on solving problems, this time with technology. He rejoices at the fact that the ultimate knowledge is no longer reserved only for the rich and privileged. Thanks to advanced data science-based algorithms, “the efficiency of airlines or railroads or how we do operations in the surgery room has gone up exponentially, and that is improving the quality of lives of millions if not billions of people.”

Paco Awissi, MBA

A data science leader. An analytics expert. A machine learning practitioner. These are just some of the impressive attributes that define Professor Paco Awissi’s career. These flattering attributes also landed him the coveted positions of Vice President of Data and Reporting at Morgan Stanley, Lead Instructor at McGill University School of Continuing Studies, and, of course, Professor at OPIT.

Professor Awissi teaches three courses in our Master of Science in Applied Data Science & AI program – Project Management, Applications in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (Part 2), and Business Communication.

When asked about new tech advancements, he also focuses on AI, explaining that the technology is revolutionizing “risk management, fraud detection, and personalized financial services.” Professor Awissi adds that AI is also used in “algorithmic trading, credit scoring, and automating customer service through chatbots, which improves the efficiency and inclusiveness of financial services.”

Filip Biały, Ph.D.

Professor Filip Biały comes from Poland, where he has taught at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan for over 15 years. When it comes to Professor Biały, it’s hard to tell whether he has more education or experience in computer science and artificial intelligence.

However, his main goal is to understand the consequences of AI for democratic politics, which is why he also emphasizes that the negative impact of digital technologies shouldn’t be overlooked. As for the positive sides of this life-changing technology, Professor Biały says that it is “essential in improving the efficiency of business processes and advancing research, for example, in discovering new drugs.”

At OPIT, you can listen to Professor Biały’s fascinating insights in the Bachelor of Science in Modern Computer Science and Digital Business programs (ICT Fundamentals, Web Development, and Ethics of Computer Science & AI courses).

Tom Vazdar, Ph.D.

Like his colleague, Professor Tom Vazdar also primarily focuses on the negative implications of technological advancements. As a current AI and Cybersecurity Strategist of a boutique consulting firm and the former Chief Security Officer at Erste Bank Croatia, he knows just how important cybersecurity is and how dangerous technological progress can be without adequate safeguards.

That’s why he’s the expert OPIT put in charge of its latest Master of Science program – Enterprise Security. OPIT has worked closely with Professor Vazdar to develop this program and equip students with the most in-demand technical, managerial, and soft skills.

Professor Vazdar also teaches Introduction to Computer Security in the Modern Computer Science and Digital Business programs, as well as Behavioral Cybersecurity in the abovementioned Enterprise
Security program.

Meet More OPIT Faculty Members Helping You Succeed

If you apply to OPIT, you’ll get the unique chance to learn from the very best from all over the world. But until then, you can hear more intriguing perspectives from our faculty members. Visit the Faculty section of our website to get a sneak peek of the incredible expertise and global perspectives that shape OPIT.

The professors at OPIT have either taught at prestigious universities or have a long and impressive history in the industry. For the former, our professor’s biographies are adorned with institutions like the University of Copenhagen, the University of Rome, the Italian Institute of Technology, and the University of Stuttgart.

As for the latter, Microsoft, Meta, Symantec, and UBS are just some of the world-famous companies where our faculty members have left a lasting impact. The same goes for institutions like the Europol, the European Parliament, and the European Investment Bank (EIB).

Though our faculty members come from different corners of the world, they all share a common goal – a relentless pursuit of knowledge. By learning from these top-notch professionals, you’ll get an insight into decades of cutting-edge research, industry collaboration, and real-world experience. This knowledge and the skills you acquire at OPIT will help you play a leading role in the technological revolution, just like your professors.

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How Important Is Cybersecurity in Our Modern Day?
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
January 26, 2024 · min read

In the digital age, virtually every aspect of people’s lives is connected through digital channels. On the positive side, this allows instant communication and information access, as well as global connectivity. But this connectivity also introduces a myriad of risks, with cybersecurity threats chief among them.

In such an environment, protecting sensitive information and critical infrastructure has never been more crucial. And yet, the cybersecurity industry is short 4 million workers.

That’s why we invited Tom Vazdar, the program chair of the Master in Enterprise Cybersecurity program at the Open Institute of Technology (OPIT), to shed light on cybersecurity’s critical role in safeguarding our interconnected world. Professor Vazdar will also walk us through the Enterprise Cybersecurity Master’s program at OPIT, explaining what makes it stand out among similar programs.

With extensive experience in various industries (like finance and manufacturing) and countless successful cybersecurity strategies, risk management frameworks, and compliance initiatives under his belt, Professor Vazdar is truly the one to consult. His take on the pressing challenges (and solutions) within the cybersecurity field is invaluable for future students and those already in the industry.

The Current State of Cybersecurity

As Professor Vazdar puts it, “We are living in an era where digital transformation is accelerating.” So, it’s not surprising that new trends (and challenges) continue to emerge in the field. Here’s what Professor Vazdar has to say about them.

Cyberattacks Are Increasing

According to the ISACA’s 2023 State of Cybersecurity report, 48% of organizations reported an increase in cyberattacks compared to the year prior. Professor Vazdar says that this primarily has to do with the increasing complexity of cyberthreats. Simply put, organizations can’t keep up with the escalating sophistication of these threats, resulting in their increased frequency.

But there’s another element to this alarming increase in the number of cyberattacks – a lack of transparency. You see, Professor Vazdar claims that many organizations are believed to underreport cyberattacks. Such underreporting might be due to concerns about reputational damage or regulatory consequences. Either way, it’s exceptionally harmful to the industry, as it hinders the ability to collaborate on developing effective countermeasures and strengthening collective cybersecurity defenses.

Cybersecurity Lacks Workers

As previously mentioned, the cybersecurity industry is experiencing a severe staffing challenge. Interestingly, this doesn’t mean the number of cybersecurity professionals is decreasing. It’s quite the opposite, really.

In 2023, the global cybersecurity workforce grew 8.7% to reach 5.5 million people, a record high. And yet, another 4 million professionals are needed to meet the escalating demand for cybersecurity. If there has ever been a stat to prove just how critical cybersecurity is, this undoubtedly does it.

New Technologies Are Constantly Adopted

Artificial intelligence. Machine learning. Cloud computing. Internet of Things. Blockchain technology. These are just some of the technologies Professor Vazdar singles out as transformative forces reshaping cybersecurity.

On the one hand, these technologies have the power to enhance threat detection and cybersecurity response. On the other, they can also introduce new vulnerabilities and threats, such as data poisoning. The worst part? We’ll let Professor Vazdar explain it:

“All of this has come in a really short period of time, and we, as people, are actually struggling to learn about all these new technologies.”

That’s why he emphasizes the need for continual education in the field, as this is the only way to stay ahead of the curve.

Cybersecurity Strategies Are Becoming Proactive and Predictive

Here’s how it used to be in the cybersecurity world, according to Professor Vazdar: A new massive threat would emerge every few years, affecting the whole world. In the aftermath, you would scramble a team together and work tirelessly for a few days to develop a patch or a solution.

As you can imagine, this approach is hardly viable in today’s oversaturated cybersecurity landscape. That’s why “we’re seeing a shift toward more proactive and more predictive security strategies,” as Professor Vazdar puts it.

Cyberpsychology Is Gaining Importance

Cyberpsychology is by no means a new concept. According to Professor Vazdar, this term was first used in 2008 by Professor Zheng Yan. However, its significance has grown exponentially in recent years. This field of study shifts the focus from the cyberthreat to the cyberattacker.

Its goal is to understand what these malicious actors are doing and why. The result? “We, as humans, know how to defend [ourselves].”

According to Professor Vazdar, this is the third (and most important) layer of defense against cyberthreats. The first concerns the physical environment (i.e., the computer and information systems), while the second is a logical layer that “connects everything together.”

No One Is Immune to Cyberthreats

There’s a common misconception that smaller organizations and individuals aren’t “appealing” to hackers and other malicious actors. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. No one is immune to cyberthreats, as cybercriminals always have something to gain (regardless of the target’s size or perceived importance).

That’s why investing in cybersecurity is crucial, whether you work for a small IT team or a huge company or just use technology in your day-to-day life.


Why Continuous Education Matters in Cybersecurity

There’s no doubt about it – cybersecurity should be a top priority for everyone in the industry and beyond. But as Professor Vazdar has underscored, what was effective in cybersecurity yesterday might not be sufficient today.

That’s why he emphasizes that “it’s important to get educated [now] more than ever.”

After all, there’s a single constant in the ever-changing cybersecurity field – humans as a crucial line of defense. The more people get educated, the more resilient the protection against cyberthreats becomes.

Why Pursue a Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity at OPIT

One of the postgraduate programs offered by OPIT is the Master of Science (MSc) in Enterprise Cybersecurity. This program is fully remote and can be completed in 12 to 18 months. But enough with the logistics – what makes this program the right choice for getting the much-needed education mentioned above?

Given that he practically shaped this program, Professor Vazdar is the best person to ask this question. He shares with us what makes this program uniquely positioned to prepare students for all the cybersecurity challenges he has touched on in this article.

A Comprehensive Curriculum

According to Professor Vazdar, the first thing that sets this program apart is “the curriculum depth and breadth.” This program covers various topics, from cybersecurity fundamentals (the first module) to advanced areas like AI-driven cybersecurity (the second module).

In other words, this program guarantees two things – a solid cybersecurity foundation and a deep dive into specialized topics. This focus makes it ideal for individuals seeking a well-rounded education in corporate cybersecurity, regardless of their previous experience in the field.

A Unique Structure

Unlike most programs in the industry, OPIT’s Enterprise Cybersecurity program doesn’t solely focus on the technical aspects of cybersecurity. But it doesn’t only dive into the managerial aspect of it either. Instead, it gives you just the “right blend of knowledge,” as Professor Vazdar puts it. Thanks to this approach, you can start working immediately after completing the program. After all, you’re all set skill-wise!

Alignment With Industry Certifications

Industry-standard certifications are becoming increasingly important, as most employers prioritize them when hiring new people. If you’re considering a career in cybersecurity, you’ll be happy to know that OPIT’s Enterprise Cybersecurity program is fully aligned with industry certifications like the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). As Professor Vazdar puts it, this ensures that OPIT graduates are “not only academically proficient but that they’re also industry-ready.”

It’s also important to note that this program is internationally recognized and ECTS-accredited by the European Agency for Higher Education and Accreditation.

An Emphasis on Practical Applications

The Enterprise Cybersecurity program places a strong emphasis on practical applications. After all, this is the only way for OPIT students to be industry-ready upon graduating. That’s why the entire third module of the program is dedicated to a Capstone project, a hands-on endeavor that also serves as your dissertation.

A Supportive Environment

One of the aspects of studying at OPIT we’re most proud of is our carefully crafted support team. From the class coordinator to the career advisors, everyone at OPIT has a single goal – to help you succeed.

To this end, all the professors in the Enterprise Cybersecurity program (and beyond) are either academics or experienced professionals with plenty of valuable insights “from the forefront of cybersecurity.”

This course includes interactive lessons, live lectures, and private mentoring sessions, ensuring you never feel alone or isolated at OPIT.

Unparalleled Flexibility

One of the primary reasons for choosing online studying is its incredible flexibility. But OPIT takes this aspect to another level. Besides dictating your own study pace, OPIT lets you choose from several elective courses, allowing you to tailor your learning to your interests and career goals. Professor Vazdar singles out the following courses as the most appealing in terms of what this article has discussed:

  • Behavioral Cybersecurity
  • Secure Software Development
  • AI-Driven Forensic Analysis in Cybersecurity

Give Yourself a Competitive Edge With OPIT

OPIT’s Master of Science in Enterprise Cybersecurity program does much more than educate students. It also prepares them for the future, allowing them to become leaders in cybersecurity. As Professor Vazdar puts it, “Our graduate students will be well-equipped to tackle current and future cybersecurity challenges in different sectors.” And given just how quickly these challenges evolve, you can’t really put a price on such preparation (and education).

So, get in touch with our team of experts to give yourself a competitive edge in the dynamic field of cybersecurity.

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Driving Positive Change: OPIT Open Institute of Technology Joins AIM Global in Shaping the Future of AI in Industry
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
January 19, 2024 · min read

Malta – 19 January 2024  – OPIT Open Institute of Technology has joined AIM Global, the Global Alliance on Artificial Intelligence for Industry and Manufacturing. This strategic collaboration reflects our commitment to advancing safe, sustainable, and inclusive use of AI in industry and manufacturing. 

Guided by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), AIM Global promotes the responsible development and deployment of AI and frontier technologies. Aligned with the UN Secretary-General’s Our Common Agenda, AIM Global shapes a digital future that is open, secure, and beneficial to all.

AI technologies are transforming industry and manufacturing, offering unprecedented opportunities for increased efficiency, productivity, and sustainability. However, the adoption of these technologies also brings ethical considerations, privacy concerns, and the imperative for inclusivity.  As a new member, OPIT is excited to contribute to AIM Global’s mission of unlocking the full potential of AI for industry.

In the intersection of tech and education, OPIT is a leader, spearheading advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI). Renowned for shaping future leaders, OPIT incorporates the latest AI technology into its programs, setting a new standard for innovative education across diverse sectors, including manufacturing. By providing individuals with skills for AI-driven manufacturing, OPIT continues to lead in nurturing talent for the industries of tomorrow. 

OPIT Open Institute of Technology is excited to join AIM Global, where forward-thinking partners collaborate to harness the power of AI responsibly,” said Riccardo Ocleppo (Founder of OPIT). “By being part of this community, we anticipate collaborative opportunities, innovative solutions, and a shared vision for the ethical and effective application of AI to unfold during this exciting journey.”

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About AIM Global 

AIM Global fosters collaboration for responsible AI in industry and manufacturing. The alliance focuses on research, skills development, ethical guidelines, and policy recommendations to address challenges and opportunities in the evolving AI landscape.

For those interested in learning more about AIM Global, please visit the website at:

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