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MSc in Computer Science: The Top Masters Courses & Programs
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
July 01, 2023

Finding an industry or even area of life that doesn’t utilize digital technologies is quite a challenge today. As computers continue to impact the ways we do business and live, understanding their capabilities and limitations becomes essential. This is the gist of what computer science is all about.

The tasks of computer science keep growing in scope and complexity. This means the demand for professionals in the field is always on the rise. Global companies are always on the lookout not only for people who know computer science but are also experts in the field.

For these reasons, getting an MSc in Computer Science can be the best career move in the modern landscape. Masters in Computer Science allows you to gain detailed knowledge and choose a specialized path. Better yet, holding such a degree elevates your chances of landing a well-paid job at a respectable organization.

Getting an MSc Computer Science is undoubtedly a good idea. You can even do it online, with all of the conveniences of remote learning. Let’s look at the best Masters in Computer Science courses and find out what they offer in terms of professional development.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an MSc Computer Science Program

Picking the right course may be something of a challenge. Numerous institutions offer quality programs, so you might not know where to start or what to look for when making the decision. Here are the key factors that should influence your choice.

Firstly, the reputation of the institution providing the course will matter greatly. Leading universities and learning organizations will offer the most comprehensive programs. Plus, their degrees will be accredited and recognized worldwide.

Next, you’ll need to choose a particular curriculum and specialization that fit your needs and interests. Computer science is a broad field of study, so picking the right study path will be necessary.

The institution you enroll in should have quality faculty members. This aspect is relatively straightforward: If you pick a reputable university, chances are the faculty will be up to par. On a similar note, such institutions will provide ample research opportunities.

The financial aspect is, of course, another important factor. Tuition fees differ considerably between institutions, and some may provide considerable aid for upcoming students. Yet, that doesn’t mean you should opt for the most affordable variant – the combination of a reasonable price and quality education will be the winning one.

When studying on-campus, the location and facilities will be crucial. While not the deciding factor, this may be a tipping point when comparing two otherwise evenly matched institutions.

Lastly, career support is one of the most important advantages you can get from an MSc program. Some institutions provide considerable opportunities for career development, connecting students with leading companies in the field. Additionally, network-building options will matter in this regard.

Top MSc Computer Science Courses and Programs

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

  • Location: Gjøvik, Norway
  • Duration: Two years
  • Study Mode: Full-time
  • Requirements: Informatics bachelor’s or engineering degree; minimum average grade: C; minimum informatics credits: 80; documented informatics and mathematics knowledge
  • Tuition fees: No fees
  • Scholarships/Financial aid: Free program – no financial aid needed
  • Career prospects: Machine learning, gaming industry, AI, VR; possibility of Ph.D. program application

Check out MSc in Computer Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.


  • Location: Stockholm, Sweden
  • Duration: Two years
  • Study Mode: Full-time
  • Requirements: Bachelor’s degree from a Swedish or another recognized university in informatics, computer science, or mathematics (minimum 180 ECTS credits); proficient use of the English language – IELTS 6.5, TOEFL 20, PTE 62, ESOL C1 (minimum 180 points)
  • Tuition fees: SEK 310,000; application fee is SEK 900
  • Scholarships/Financial aid: Scholarships are available from KTH, the Swedish Institute, and associated organizations; full and one-year scholarships available
  • Career prospects: Graduates from KHT have moved forward to Ph.D. studies worldwide or found jobs at leading tech companies like Google, Oracle, Saab, Spotify, and Bloomberg.

Check out MSc in Computer Science at KHT.

University Leiden

  • Location: Leiden, Netherlands
  • Duration: Two years
  • Study Mode: Full-time
  • Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in AI, Bioinformatics, Computer Science or a related program; English proficiency – IELTS 6.5, TOEFL 90
  • Tuition fees: Students from the EU, Suriname, or Switzerland: €2,314 yearly; other students: €19,600 yearly
  • Scholarships/Financial aid: Various scholarships available; EU students under the age of 30 are eligible for a Dutch government loan
  • Career prospects: Careers in AI, computer science and education, data science, and advanced computer systems

Check out MSc in Computer Science at University Leiden.

Specializations Within MSc Computer Science

Computer science has numerous subcategories and fields of study. These fields are widely different, so you’ll need to choose your specialization carefully. Let’s look at the key disciplines of computer science that you can specialize in and what those disciplines mean.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

As a field of computer science, AI deals with methods and technologies that allow machines to simulate human intelligence. This includes machine learning, deep learning, and similar disciplines. Through learning methods, either assisted or unassisted by humans, machines can process data and draw conclusions somewhat independently.

Data Science and Big Data Analysis

Data science, as the name implies, deals with data gathering, processing, and analysis. This facet of computer science is particularly important, as it finds plenty of practical applications in business, other sciences, demographics, and statistics.

A subset of data science, big data analysis focuses on extracting information from massive databases. A data scientist’s job is to compile the data and use advanced technological solutions to draw meaningful conclusions. The volumes of data analyzed this way far surpass anything that humans can achieve without computer assistance.

Cybersecurity and Information Security

Today, cybersecurity counts among the most important facets of computer science. Other disciplines gather, produce, and store copious amounts of data which often contain sensitive information. Unfortunately, modern criminals prey on that information to gain access to financial accounts, steal confidential data, and blackmail businesses and individuals.

Cybersecurity attempts to foil attacks from malicious parties. As the methods of crime evolve, so do the technologies meant to fight them. From phishing prevention to protection from hacking, cybersecurity, and information security ensures sensitive data doesn’t end up in the wrong hands.

Software Engineering and Development

Software is at the core of all computer systems, and it’s an ever-evolving aspect of computer science. New software solutions are needed practically every day, and that’s where software engineering and development come in.

Software engineers design new programs and work out how to implement them. Developers work on finding novel solutions to practical and theoretical challenges. These two branches of computer science are responsible for helping machines keep up with users’ demands, both privately and professionally.

Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience Design

We might not think much about the way we interact with computers. At least that’s the case if the user experience is done right. Designing the elements that people use in regular interaction reflects how efficiently computer systems work. Without quality user experience or means of interaction, software alone doesn’t serve much purpose.

Networking and Cloud Computing

A standalone computer system is a rarity these days. Networking, the internet, and cloud computing unlocked the full potential of the digital world. Today, computers can do their best when connected online, which is why these aspects of computer science count among the most important today.

Internet of Things and Embedded Systems

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of interconnected smart devices. This technology makes smart homes possible, but that’s only a small part of what IoT can do. Automated manufacturing, logistics, and numerous other complex systems function on this principle. In a sense, IoT and embedded systems represent the pinnacle of computer science since it brings together all other fields of research.

Tips for a Successful MSc Computer Science Application

Applying for an MSc in Computer Science is a step that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Your application will require careful consideration, particularly regarding the career path you wish to take. It would be best to start with a list of programs that fit your chosen field of research.

Once you have that list, you should narrow the choice according to the specific criteria that we listed here. To recap, those criteria are:

  • The institution’s reputation and accreditation
  • The curriculum
  • Faculty and opportunities for research
  • Fees and scholarships/financial aid
  • Location and facilities
  • Networking opportunities and career support

After you choose the program, it will be time to prepare the strongest application possible. You’ll have the best chances of getting accepted into the program with a well-written statement of purpose, the appropriate letters of recommendation, test scores and academic transcripts, and written proof of extracurricular activities and work experience.

Lastly, you should prepare to visit the campus and schedule an interview. Don’t disregard this aspect of the application process, as it could easily determine whether you’ll get accepted.

Start Your Computer Science Master’s Journey Today

Getting an MSc in Computer Science may be a significant boost for your career. Select the right program, and you might find yourself at the top of the job market. If your interests fall into any field of computer science, consider enrolling in a master’s program at a leading institution – it will be an excellent career move.

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Discover the Best Programs Online for Artificial Intelligence Course
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
July 01, 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) permeates every aspect of modern society, with that effect only becoming more pronounced as we move deeper into the 21st century. That’s a statement supported by the Brookings Institute, which asserts that whoever rules AI by 2030 (be it a country or corporation) will rule the global roost until at least 2100.

The point is that AI is already everywhere, even if in limited capacities, and you need to be ready for an AI-centric world to unfold ahead of you in the future. The right AI courses ensure you’re ready, so let’s look at four that you can complete today.

What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

As humans, our brains give us the ability to learn and adapt to everything around us. For computers, AI achieves the same thing, equipping machines with the ability to take in datasets, learn from the data, and apply what it learns to real-world scenarios. There are many types of AI, with the following three being among the most prominent:

  • Narrow AI – An AI system that’s dedicated to performing a single task, like a chatbot that delivers stock responses based on user queries. Think of these AI as the “manual labor” machines that exist to do the same thing over and over again.
  • General AI – With general AI, we move closer to AI that has the same capacities to learn and apply that humans have. Multi-functional is the keyword here, as these AIs will be capable of completing multiple tasks at a human level.
  • Superintelligent AI – Though not in existence yet, superintelligent AI is the pinnacle of AI research, or the peak on the Mount Everest of AI. In addition to bringing the multi-functional talents that humans have to the table, these AI will have an unlimited capacity for learning.

We’re nowhere near the superintelligent AI level yet (some even say that this type of AI will be more of a threat than a help to humanity), but we can see AI in so many industries already. Self-driving cars, automated stock checkers, and even email spam filters are all examples of narrow AI in action, with each having specific functions. As the technology evolves, and it’s already doing so at a rapid pace, we’ll see more multi-function AI come to the fore.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an AI Course

When choosing a course, the key question is always what is artificial intelligence course criteria that actually matters? Here are five things to look for in an artificial intelligence course:

  • Quality course content – In this context, “quality” doesn’t solely mean “good” (though that’s a part of it). Your course also needs to deliver an educational experience that furthers whatever goals you’ve set for yourself in your career.
  • Course flexibility – Some people can commit themselves fully to an AI course. Others need to fit their learning around work, family, and other commitments. Figure out which category you slot into and search for courses that offer the flexibility (or lack thereof) that you need.
  • Instructor expertise – Good instructors bring a combination of theoretical mastery and industry experience to their courses. That’s why the best AI courses are usually created, and run, by people who currently work in the field.
  • Course reviews and ratings – Online reviews and ratings are the modern “word of mouth,” with global courses benefitting (or otherwise) from what their students have to say online. A few minutes of research can tell you if other students consider your chosen course to be a dud or an AI masterclass.
  • Pricing – As attractive as a full Master’s degree may be, the five-figure pricing may feel prohibitive. Other courses, such as a short-term artificial intelligence online course, may offer snippets of what you need to know at a much lower price. Balance your needs against your budget to make your choice.

Top AI Online Courses

There is no such thing as the “best” artificial intelligence course because every course offers something different that may or may not align with your needs. But these four run the gamut, from full-blown Master’s degrees (with accreditation) to crash courses designed to get you up to speed as fast as possible.

Course 1 – CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence With Python (Harvard)

There are few educational institutions as prestigious as Harvard University, and its CS50 course is perfect for those who already have a grasp of the Python programming language. Offered completely online, it’s a self-paced course that comes with a verified certificate (assuming you’re willing to pay an extra $199/€180).

Key Topics Covered

  • Reinforcement learning as it applies to machine learning
  • The core principles of artificial intelligence
  • Creating Python programs that use AI
  • An in-depth study into graph search algorithms

Course Duration and Pricing

Harvard advertises the course as a seven-week-long self-paced online program and recommends between 10 and 30 hours of study per week. How much time you actually spend on your studies depends on how quickly you pick up the concepts. It’s free to enroll (though a certificate costs money, as mentioned) and enrollment is open between May and December of each year.

Course 2 – Expand Your Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence (Udacity)

Marketed as a “nanodegree” program, which basically means it packs a lot of information into a short timeframe. Expand Your Knowledge gives you access to a digital classroom. It comes with some prerequisites, such as an understanding of Python and statistics, but it’s a course designed for those taking their first steps into applied AI.

Key Topics Covered

  • Foundational AI algorithms that power things like NASA’s Mars Rover
  • An introduction to AI concepts using Python as your base programming language
  • Classical graph search algorithms
  • Project reviews and feedback from over 1,400 people in the AI field

Course Duration and Pricing

This is a three-month course, with estimated study hours of between 12 and 15 per week, making it ideal for part-time learners who want to grasp the fundamentals of AI. Pricing is flexible, too. You can subscribe to the monthly version of the course via Udacity at a cost of £329 (approx. €377) per month or buy the whole thing upfront for £837 (approx. €959).

Course 3 – Master in Applied Data Science & AI (OPIT)

Those who’ve already completed a Bachelor’s degree in a computing or statistical subject may want to continue their full-time studies. OPIT’s Master’s program offers that opportunity, with its 100% online course being supported by experienced tutors who are available literally whenever you need them. The course contains both live and prerecorded content and the degree you receive carries European Qualification Framework accreditation.

Key Topics Covered

  • Real-life business problems (and solutions) that use both AI and data science
  • Python programming in the context of AI and data science
  • Business-related topics, such as the ethics surrounding AI usage and project management
  • Applied machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques

Course Duration and Pricing

OPIT’s Master’s program is a full-time postgraduate course. The regular version takes 18 months of self-timed study to complete. A fast-track version is available, lasting for 12 months, for those who want a more intensive educational experience. The cost varies depending on when you enroll. Intakes occur in October of each year, with early birds paying a discounted price of €4,950, to save almost €1,500 on the usual €6,500 price.

Course 4 – AI Engineering Professional Certificate (IBM via Coursera)

For those looking for direct tutelage from professionals who already work in the AI field, IBM’s offering is one of the best AI courses online. It’s also ideal for beginners, with no experience in computing needed and a flexible schedule allows you to learn as and how you want. Those studying for formal degrees aren’t left out. The certificate you earn through this course counts toward your degree credit.

Key Topics Covered

  • The foundations of machine learning and neural networks
  • Machine learning algorithm deployment
  • Neural network development using PyTorch, Keras, and TensorFlow
  • Implementation of both supervised and unsupervised machine learning models

Course Duration and Pricing

Flexibility is the name of the game with this course. It lasts for eight months, with three hours of learning per week, though fast and full-time learners may be able to complete it much quicker. Enrollment begins in May of each year, and the first seven days of the course act as a free trial so you can get a taste of what it has to offer. It’s also fairly cheap, with the course costing around €125 if you go for the full eight-month option.

Benefits of Taking AI Courses

There’s no use looking for the best artificial intelligence course if you don’t understand how that course will help you in the future. These are four benefits of studying AI:

  • Develop a skillset that will not only be important as we move toward an AI-driven future, but will serve as a foundation for the skills you’ll need to develop as AI evolves.
  • Combine theoretical and practical knowledge of AI to make your CV sparkle when it’s in front of employers.
  • Create the problem-solving skills that are essential in the tech industry, with those skills often being transferable to other sectors.
  • Follow whatever path you want in the constantly branching AI field.

Take Your Next Career Step With an Artificial Intelligence Online Course

Each of the four courses highlighted here offers something different. Some are short-term introductory courses while others allow full-time students to continue in-depth formal education. Whichever you choose serves as an investment into your future. AI is already causing ripples in the industrial ocean, and those ripples will grow into a tidal wave of opportunity for those who are prepared for the explosive growth of the industry. By investing in yourself today, through education and career foresight, you set yourself up for an amazing future tomorrow.

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Master of Applied Data Science: The Top MSc Programs Explored
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
July 01, 2023

If a theoretical data scientist is somebody who’s mastered the art of extracting and analyzing large datasets, an applied data scientist is someone who can put that mastery into real-world practice. They’re insight specialists. And those insights come using techniques like machine learning and data mining to parse through extensive datasets to find patterns and outcomes.

As a prospective Master of applied data science, you may wonder if this career path is the right choice for you. It is, as long as you want to be part of a growing industry. According to Precedence Research, the data science industry is expected to achieve a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.43% between 2022 and 2030. That CAGR translates into growth from $112.2 billion in value (approx. €103 billion) to $378.7 billion (approx. €349 billion).

That growth alone demonstrates why getting an applied data science MSc could be valuable to your career prospect. Let’s look at three of the top courses on offer to European and international students.

Top MSc Programs in Applied Data Science – Our Criteria

Before digging into the best Master applied data science programs, it’s important to establish the criteria we’ve used to make our selections. The following five factors play a role:

  • Reputation and ranking – While overall university rankings denote the quality of an establishment, we’re more interested in the reputation the specific course has in the industry.
  • Curriculum and Sspecialization – What will you study and how will the topics you delve into lead to further specialization? We aim to answer both questions for our selections.
  • Faculty expertise – When analyzing faculty expertise, we’re looking for a combination of experienced educators and mentors with real-world experience in data science work.
  • Industry connections and partnerships – You want to use your MSc in applied data science to find work. A university that has strong connections to industry leaders (either through faculty or partnerships) can propel you forward in your career.
  • Career support and alumni network – Speaking of connections, a good alumni network exposes you to peers who can help your career. Combine that with in-house career support from the university, and you get a course that offers more than a basic education.

Top MSc Programs Explored

After applying the above criteria, we’ve come up with a list of three Master of applied data science programs to pique your interest.

Program 1 – Master in Applied Data Science & AI (Open Institute of Technology)

Available as a fully online course for those who value self-learning, the Open Institute of Technology’s (OPIT’s) program lasts for 18 months with costs starting from €4,950. There’s also a fast-track option available for those who can commit to more extensive studies, with that program offering the same degree in just 12 months.

The educational aspect of the course is divided across two terms. In the first term, you’ll focus primarily on principles and techniques in areas such as Python programming, machine learning, and how to use data science to solve business problems. The second term gets more practical as you start to focus on applications of data science (and AI) in the real world before digging into the ethics behind your work.

As for credentials, OPIT is an accredited institution under the European Qualification Framework and its MSc was created by Professor Lorenzo Livi. Serving as program head, Livi brings the expertise he’s developed through teaching and research at both the University of Exeter and the University of Manitoba to the program.

It’s this focus on attracting international faculty that’s the most attractive part of the course. Beyond Livi, the faculty includes professors from institutions as diverse as the University of California, University of Copenhagen, Microsoft, and the Naval Research Laboratory. This mix of academic excellence and professors with real-world experience can lead you to exciting career opportunities and connections.

Program 2 – Master of Science in Data Science (ETH Zurich)

Ranked as the ninth-best computer science university in the world by, ETH Zurich has a program that stands out thanks to its Data Science Laboratory. This dedicated facility allows students to utilize their theoretical knowledge on simulated practical problems. Process modeling and data validation get put into practice in this lab, all under the oversight of an experienced mentor.

Speaking of faculty, several members of ETH Zurich specialize in teaching data science in relation to the medical field. Both Gunnar Rätsch, a full professor at the university, and Julia Vogt, an assistant professor can directly aid students who wish to apply their data science expertise to medicine.

Career support comes in the form of a dedicated Career Center, which serves as a central hub for students and the companies with which the university partners. ETH encourages partnership through industry events, such as its Industry Day, which encourage local and national businesses to meet with and discuss the work of its students. These events may prove vital to starting your data science career before you’ve even completed your Master of applied data science.

Coming back to the program, it’s a two-year full-time course through which you’ll earn 120 credits per the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). Prospective students need to have at least 180 ECTS credits from a relevant Bachelor’s degree, such as a BSc in computer science or mathematics. The program costs CHF 730 (approx. €749) per semester, with the option to make voluntary contributions to things like the university’s student union and its Solidarity Fund for Foreign Students.

Program 3 – MSc Data Science (IU International University of Applied Science)

Our final program takes us to Germany and one of the most flexible applied data science MSc programs in Europe. Offered in conjunction with London South Bank University, this program results in graduation with a dual degree with both German and British accreditation. You have a choice between taking the two-year program for €556 per month or a pair of part-time programs. The first of the part-time options lasts for 36 months, costing €417 per month, with the second being a 48-month course costing €329 per month.

The course itself focuses primarily on current developments in the data sector, with modules on Big Data, infrastructure engineering, and software development included. The first semester introduces you to machine learning and deep learning concepts, in addition to offering a model engineering case study so you can get your feet wet with applied data science. The second semester makes room for specialization, as you choose an elective that may focus on Big Data, autonomous driving, or smart manufacturing methods.

Faculty members include Professor Thomas Zoller, who oversees the university’s BSc in data science program in addition to contributing to its Master’s program. His expertise lies in machine learning in the context of image processing, in addition to the use of AI and advanced analytics in digital transformation.

As you move closer to wanting to start your career, IU International’s Career Office comes into play. It holds weekly group career talks, both online and on-campus, in addition to daily slots for one-to-one chats with advisors over Zoom or email. You also get access to the university’s Jobteaser platform, which puts you in direct contact with potential recruiters.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Applied Data Science MSc

The three programs highlighted above each offer a combination of a stellar education and industry connections that help you to get your data science career started. But if you want to do further research into applied data science MSc programs, these are the factors to consider.

Your Personal Goals

Though it may seem obvious to state, your personal goals play a huge role in your decision. For example, somebody who wishes to work in the medical field may favor ETH Zurich’s offering due to the expertise of its faculty, whereas that course may not be the best choice for those interested in finance. Think about what you want to achieve and which program aligns with those goals.

Program Cost

A Master of applied data science doesn’t come cheap. Most courses cost several thousand euros, though you’ll often find that online courses are more manageable from a cost perspective. Consider the program cost and research financial aid options, such as those highlighted on the EURAXESS portal, when making your choice.

Program Format

A full-time MSc in applied data science may be great for a young student with no other commitments. But it won’t work so well when you’re trying to fit your education around work, life, and your family. Think about the time commitment the program asks of you. Many find that a part-time or self-learning-driven online course is easier to fit around their schedules than a full-time on-campus program.

Location and Campus Facilities

If you opt for an online course then location isn’t an issue – you can study from home. But those studying on-campus have to consider the location (is the university situated in a business hub, for example) and the facilities offered on-site to help them further their data science careers.

Networking Opportunities

Networking opportunities can come in many forms in a Master of applied data science program. Faculty is the obvious source of connections, with many educators having worked (or still working) directly in the industry, but don’t underestimate the connective powers of your peers. Furthermore, take advantage of any career support facilities your university offers to get yourself in front of prospective employers.

Get Your MSc in Applied Data Science

Think of choosing an applied data science MSc in the same way you’d think about making an investment. You want that investment (both in time and money) to offer a suitable return. The three programs listed here offer superb qualifications and give you the real-world experience needed to forge a career in the applied data science sector. Choose the program that suits your needs, or, use the advice provided to research other programs that are closer to home or more in line with your career goals.

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Data Science Courses: The Top 5 Best Programs to Master Skills
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
July 01, 2023

Data science is all the rage these days. It plays a pivotal role in many organizations, as it makes raw data easily understandable for managers and owners. In turn, it provides stakeholders with better decision-making opportunities.

Considering the enormous importance of data science, it’s no surprise the industry has grown to a whopping $65 billion. It’s also no wonder why there are 150K+ data scientists in the U.S., either, with more people expected to flock to this realm. So, why not become one of them and set yourself up to earn more than $120,000 per year?

All it takes is to invest in high-quality education, and this article will point you in the right direction. Here’s an overview of the five best data science courses to help propel your career.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Data Science Course

We’ll take a closer look at the best data science courses in 2023 shortly, but let’s put that on hold for a few moments. After all, you don’t want to end up enrolling in a module that doesn’t suit your needs and budget, do you?

Our data science course buyer’s guide has come to the rescue. Check out the factors you should consider when selecting your module.

Course Content and Curriculum

Becoming a data scientist is a lucrative but broad career path. Did you know that this field branches out into multiple sub-fields? These include data engineering, machine learning, and data analysis. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to data science courses, which is why you should make sure the curriculum ties in with your goals.

For example, if you want to spearhead the next generation of machine learning developments, look for a course that focuses on machine learning. In other words, module content should be in line with your needs.

Course Duration and Flexibility

Course duration is another important consideration. If you only want to scratch the surface of data science, a so-called boot camp might be a good choice. It typically lasts two or three months and gives you a basic understanding of this topic.

But if you wish to become a data science mastermind, a BSc or MSc in data science is the right option. It takes at least four years, but it teaches you all you need to know about this area, including theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Instructor’s Expertise and Experience

Experienced instructors should also be a priority. Just like Elon Musk leads the way in Tesla with his extensive programming expertise, your teachers should be your focal point with their data science knowledge. Check their credentials before hitting the “Enroll” button.

Course Fees and Return on Investment

While you can get a lot of value out of a free data science course, paid alternatives are the real deal. Still, be sure you can afford the module before starting your first lesson. Reliable providers should offer transparent pricing with no hidden fees.

Course Reviews and Ratings

One of the best ways to determine if a course is compatible with you is word of mouth. So, put your search engine to work and see what others are saying about different modules. You’ll be able to learn more about the instructors’ approach, pricing, and content.

Best Data Science Courses Available

Now that you have a sense of direction when looking for a data science course, let’s get to the brass tacks of this article. Completing one of the following modules can be your leg up, giving you an edge over other candidates during your job search.

1. Data Science Specialization by Coursera

Coursera is the repository of many courses, including those related to data science. Their Data Science Specialization course can be an excellent choice if you have some understanding of this field but want to expand your horizons.

If you sign up for the module, you’ll gain access to an array of valuable lessons. The list includes cleaning and analyzing data with R, managing different projects with GitHub, and applying data regression models.

Furthermore, the instructors come from established institutions, and you get a shareable certificate after completing the course. Keep in mind that some prior Python knowledge is recommended to take the module.


  • Beginner-friendly
  • Reliable instructors
  • Shareable certificate


  • Requires Python knowledge

Price: Free enrollment from May 30; $49 per month otherwise

Duration: Approx. 11 months

2. The Data Science Course: Complete Data Science Bootcamp by Udemy

Although this is technically a boot camp, it’s one of the most comprehensive data science courses online. It lifts the veil of mystery surrounding data science and offers detailed explanations of the key concepts in this area.

For instance, if you wish to apply deep learning principles in your work, you can learn how to do so with this course. Other useful skills you can pick up here include Python-based machine learning, data pre-processing, logistic and linear regression, and statistical analyses.

The biggest downside is that lesson quality is inconsistent. Unlike Coursera, Udemy doesn’t attract renowned data science professionals. Basically, anyone can teach on the platform, even if they don’t have credentials. The good news is that you get a certificate of completion for passing the course.


  • Fairly detailed
  • Wide range of skills
  • Certificate of completion


  • Inconsistent teaching quality

Price: $74.99

Duration: 31 hours of video materials

3. Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp by Udemy

Udemy makes another appearance on our rundown with their Python for Data Science and Machine Learning course. As you’ve probably guessed, it’s geared toward budding data scientists who want to climb the career ladder with Python.

And admittedly, the course does a good job of teaching the basics of this programming language. It tackles a variety of topics, such as machine learning, Pandas, Seaborn, Sci-Kit, decision tree algorithms, and natural language processing. It comes with a certificate of completion and is relatively short, allowing you to grasp the fundamentals of Python in just a few weeks.

Again, the only drawback might be lesson quality. You may receive instructions from first-class teachers, but you may also have subpar instructors.


  • Good representation of Python basics
  • Natural language processing module
  • Short and simple


  • Inconsistent instructions

Price: $74.99

Duration: 25 hours of video materials

4. Master of Applied Data Science by University of Michigan

For some aspiring data scientists, courses provided by renowned universities are the only ones in play. If you have the same affinity, consider this Master of Applied Data Science at the University of Michigan.

What stands out about this course is that it’s fully online, despite coming from a top-rated school. Therefore, you don’t have to attend classes in person to make headway.

When it comes to the curriculum, it covers most (if not all) subjects you need to apply data science in real life. It delves deep into machine learning, natural language processing, data preparation, and network analysis. Plus, you get a hands-on experience with real data from several companies around the globe. Completing the module earns you an accredited diploma.

As for the instructors, you shouldn’t have issues with inconsistent lectures. Michigan professors are well-versed in data science and know how to transfer knowledge effectively.

Still, many people are put off the program due to the price. It also requires some previous knowledge of statistics and Python.


  • Renowned institution
  • Fully online
  • Covers everything data science-related
  • Great instructors


  • Pricey
  • Previous knowledge required

Price: $34,000-$46,000

Duration: 12-36 weeks

5. Online Master of Computer Science by Arizona State University

The University of Michigan can be an excellent choice, but it doesn’t blow other schools out of the water. Arizona State is a solid option, too, with its Online Master of Computer Science.

Practical teaching is the highlight of this course. The curriculum focuses on applied projects throughout its duration, enabling you to gain a better understanding of data science and related fields. Some of the skills you can acquire and polish here include machine learning, software security, and computer forensics.

On top of that, the course puts a heavy emphasis on blockchain-related data science. Hence, if you want to test the waters with this ever-growing industry, Arizona State has you covered.

Instructions are also high-quality. Even though it’s an online course, the professors devote the same attention to you as to your fellow students on campus.

As for the drawbacks, the course isn’t affordable for many people. You also need to meet strict admission and GPA criteria.


  • In-depth course
  • Blockchain analysis
  • Top-rated professors


  • On the expensive side
  • Stringent enrollment criteria

Price: $15,000

Duration: 18-36 weeks

Tips for Succeeding in a Data Science Course

Just because you choose an exceptional data science course doesn’t mean you’ll breeze through the curriculum. The following tips will help make your experience smoother.

  • Set clear goals and expectations — Determine whether you want a basic or advanced understanding of data science.
  • Dedicated time for learning and practice — Allocate as much time as necessary to learn and practice key skills.
  • Engage in online forums and communities — Visit forums and other online communities to find heaps of resources and course materials.
  • Work on real-world projects — Practice applying data science by manipulating real-life data.
  • Continuously update your skills — Always look for new learning opportunities to get a full picture of your curriculum.

A Remunerative Career Is Waiting

If you’re looking to master critical skills, the best data science course for you might be Master of Applied Data Science by the University of Michigan. It’s expensive, but it’s jam-packed with real-world knowledge. If you need something simpler that still offers some value, the courses by Coursera and Udemy may be a good fit.

So, make your pick carefully. By enrolling in a course that aligns with your needs, you’ll get a better learning experience and higher retention. And nothing paves the way for a lucrative career in data science like top-grade education.

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Top Programs Ranked in Masters in Artificial Intelligence Online
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
June 30, 2023

You may have heard the catchy phrase “data is the new oil” floating around. The implication is that data in the 21st century is what oil was in the 20th – the biggest industry around. And it’s true, as the sheer amount of data each person generates when they use the web, try out an app, or even buy from a store is digital “oil” for the companies collecting that data.

It’s also the fuel that powers the current (and growing) wave of artificial intelligence (AI) tools emerging in the market. From ChatGPT to the wave of text-to-speech tech flooding the market, everything hinges on information, and people who can harness that data through algorithms and machine learning practices are in high demand.

That’s where you can come in. By taking a Master’s degree in artificial intelligence online, you position yourself as one of the people who can help the new “digital oil” barons capitalize on their finds.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Online AI Master’s Program

When choosing an artificial intelligence online Master’s, you have to consider more than the simple accessibility the course offers. These factors help you to weed out the also-ran programs from the ones that help you to advance your career:

  • Accreditation – Checks for accreditation come in two flavors. First, you need to check the program provider’s credentials to ensure the degree you get from your studies is worth the paper on which it’s printed. Second, you have to confirm the accreditation you receive is something that employers actually want to see.
  • Curriculum – What does your artificial intelligence online Master degree actually teach you? Answer that question and you can determine if the program serves the career goals you’ve set for yourself.
  • Faculty Expertise – On the ground level, you want tutors with plenty of teaching experience and their own degrees in AI-related subjects. But dig beyond that to also discover if they have direct experience working with AI in industry.
  • Program Format – A self-study artificial intelligence Master’s program’s online nature means they offer some degree of flexibility. But the course format plays a role in your decision, given that some rely solely on self-learning whereas others include examinations and live remote lectures.
  • Tuition and Financial Aid – A Master’s degree costs quite a bit depending on area (prices range from €1,000 to €20,000 per year), so you need to be in the appropriate financial position. Many universities offer financial aid, such as scholarships, grants, and payment programs, that may help here.
  • Career Support – You’re likely not studying for Master of artificial intelligence online for the joy of having a piece of paper on your wall. You want to build a career. Look for institutions that have strong alumni networks, connections within industry, and dedicated careers offices or services.

Top Online AI Master’s Programs Ranked

In choosing the best Master’s in artificial intelligence online programs, we looked at the above factors in addition to the key features of each program. That examination results in three online courses, each offering something a little different, that give you a solid grounding in AI.

Master in Applied Data Science & AI (OPIT)

Flexibility is the name of the game with OPIT’s program, as it’s fully remote and you get a choice between an 18-month course and a fast-tracked 12-month variant. The latter contains the same content as the former, with the student simply dedicating themselves to more intensive course requirements.

The program comes from an online institution that is accredited under both the Malta Qualification Framework and European Qualification Framework. As for the course itself, it’s the focus on real-life challenges in data science and AI that makes it so attractive. You don’t just learn theory. You discover how to apply that theory to the practical problems you’ll face when you enter the workforce.

OPIT has an admissions team who’ll guide you through getting onto the course, though you’ll need a BSc degree (in any field) and the equivalent of B2-level English proficiency to apply. If English isn’t your strong suit, OPIT also offers an in-house certification that you can take to get on the course. Financial aid is available through scholarships and funding, which you may need given that the program can cost up to €6,500, though discounts are available for those who apply early.

Master in Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Disruptive Technologies (Digital Age University)

If data is the new oil, Digital Age University’s program teaches you how to harness that oil and pump it in a way that makes you an attractive proposition for any employer. Key areas of study include the concept and utilization of Big Data (data analytics plays a huge role here), as well as the Python programming skills needed to create AI tools. You’ll learn more about machine learning models and get to grips with how AI is the big disruptor in modern business.

Tuition costs are reasonable, too, with this one-year course only costing €2,600. Digital Age University runs a tuition installment plan that lets you spread your costs out without worrying about being charged interest. Plus, your previous credentials may put you in line for a grant or scholarship that covers at least part of the cost. All first-year students are eligible for the 10% merit-based scholarship again, dependent on prior education). There’s also a 20% Global Scholarship available to students from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin American countries.

Speaking of credentials, you can showcase yours via the online application process or by scheduling a one-on-one call with one of the institution’s professors. The latter option is great if you’re conducting research and want to get a taste of what the faculty has to offer.

Master in Artificial Intelligence (Three Points Digital Business School)

Three Points Digital Business School sets its stall out early by pointing out that 83% of companies say they’ll create new jobs due to AI in the coming years. That’s its way of telling you that its business-focused AI course is the right choice for getting one of those jobs. After teaching the fundamentals of AI, the course moves into showing you how to create AI and machine learning models and, crucially, how to apply those models in practical settings. By the end, you’ll know how to program chatbots, virtual assistants, and similar AI-driven tools.

It’s the most expensive program on this list, clocking in at €7,500 for a one-year course that delivers 60 ECTS credits. However, it’s a course targeted at mature students (half of the current students are 40 years old), and it’s very much career-minded. That’s exemplified by Three Points’ annual ThinkDigital Summit, which puts some of the leading minds in AI and digital innovation in front of students.

Admission is tougher than for many other Master’s in artificial intelligence online programs as you go through an interview process in addition to submitting qualifications. Every candidate is manually assessed via committee, with your experience and business know-how playing as much of a role as any technical qualifications you have.

Tips for Success in an Online AI Master’s Program

Let’s assume you’ve successfully applied to an artificial intelligence online Master’s program. That’s the first step in a long, often complex, journey. Here are some tips to keep in mind and set up for the future:

  • Manage your time properly by scheduling your study, especially given that online courses rely on students having the discipline needed for self-learning.
  • Build relationships with faculty and peers who may be able to connect you to job opportunities or have ideas for starting their own businesses.
  • Stay up-to-date on what’s happening with AI because this high-paced industry can leave people who assume what they know is enough behind.
  • Pursue real-world experience wherever you can, both through the practical assessments a program offers and internship programs that you can add to your CV.

Career Opportunities With a Master’s in Artificial Intelligence

You need to know what sorts of roles are available on the digital “oil rigs” of today and the future. Those who have an artificial intelligence online Master degree take roles as varied as data analyst, software engineer, data scientist, and research scientist.

Better yet, those roles are spread across almost all industries. Grand View Research tells us that we can expect the AI market to enjoy a 37.3% compound annual growth rate between 2023 and 2030, with that growth making AI-based roles available on a near-constant basis. Salary expectations are likely to increase along with that growth, with the current average of around €91,000 for an artificial intelligence engineer (figures based on Germany’s job market) likely to be a baseline for future growth.

Find the Right Artificial Intelligence Master’s Programs Online

We’ve highlighted three online Master’s programs with a focus on AI in this article, each offering something different. OPIT’s course leans heavily into data science, giving you a specialization to go along with the foundational knowledge you’ll gain. Digital Age University’s program places more of a focus on Big Data, with Three Points Digital Business School living up to its name by taking a more business-oriented approach.

Whatever program you choose (and it could be one other than the three listed here), you must research the course based on the factors like credentials, course content, and quality of the faculty. Put plenty of time into this research process and you’re sure to find a program that aligns with your goals.

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Masters in Machine Learning Online: The Top MSc Programs
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
June 30, 2023

Machines that can learn on their own have been a sci-fi dream for decades. Lately, that dream seems to be coming true thanks to advances in AI, machine learning, deep learning, and other cutting-edge technologies.

Have you used Google’s search engine recently or admired the capabilities of ChatGPT? That means you’ve seen machine learning in action. Besides those renowned apps, the technology is widespread across many industries, so much so that machine learning experts are in increasingly high demand worldwide.

Chances are there’s never been a better time to get involved in the IT industry than today. This is especially true if you enter the market as a machine learning specialist. Fortunately, getting proficient in this field no longer requires enlisting in a college – now you can finish a Master in machine learning online.

Let’s look at the best online Masters in machine learning and data science that you can start from the comfort of your home.

Top MSc Programs in Machine Learning Online

Finding the best MSc machine learning online programs required us to apply certain strict criteria in the search process. The following is a list of programs that passed our research with flying colors. But first, here’s what we looked for in machine learning MSc courses.

Our Criteria

The criteria we applied include:

  • The quality and reputation of the institution providing the course
  • International degree recognition
  • Program structure and curriculum
  • Duration
  • Pricing

Luckily, numerous world-class universities and organizations have a machine learning MSc online. Their degrees are accepted around the world, and their curricula count among the finest in the market. Take a look at our selection.

Imperial College London – Machine Learning and Data Science

The Machine Learning and Data Science postgraduate program from the Imperial College in London provides comprehensive courses on models applicable to real-life scenarios. The program features hands-on projects and lessons in deep learning, data processing, analytics, and machine learning ethics.

The complete program is online-based and relies mostly on independent study. The curriculum consists of 13 modules. With a part-time commitment, this program will last for two years. The fee is the same for domestic and overseas students: £16,200

European School of Data Science & Technology – MSc Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

If you need a Master’s program that combines the best of AI and machine learning, the European School of Data Science & Technology has an excellent offer. The MSc Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning program provides a sound foundation of the essential concepts in both disciplines.

During the courses, you’ll examine the details of reinforcement learning, search algorithms, optimization, clustering, and more. You’ll also get the opportunity to work with machine learning in the R language environment.

The program lasts for 18 months and is entirely online. Applicants must cover a registration fee of €1500 plus monthly fees of €490.

European University Cyprus – Artificial Intelligence Master

The European University in Cyprus is an award-winning institution that excels in student services and engagement, as well as online learning. The Artificial Intelligence Master program from this university treats artificial intelligence in a broader sense. However, machine learning is a considerable part of the curriculum, being taught alongside NLP, robotics, and big data.

The official site of the European University Cyprus states the price for all computer science Master’s degrees at €8,460. However, it’s worth noting that there’s a program for financial support and scholarships. The duration of the program is 18 months, after which you’ll get an MSc in artificial intelligence.

Udacity – Computer Vision Nanodegree

Udacity has profiled itself as a leading learning platform. Its Nanodegree programs provide detailed knowledge on numerous subjects, such as this Computer Vision Nanodegree. The course isn’t a genuine MSc program, but it offers specialization for a specific field of machine learning that may serve for career advancement.

This program includes lessons on the essentials of image processing and computer vision, deep learning, object tracking, and advanced computer vision applications. As with other Udacity courses, learners will enjoy support in real-time as well as career-specific services for professional development after finishing the course.

This Nanodegree has a flexible schedule, allowing you to set a personalized learning pace. The course lasts for three months and has a fee of €944. Scholarship options are also available for this program, and there are no limitations in terms of applying for the course or starting the program.

Lebanese American University – MS in Applied Artificial Intelligence

Lebanese American University curates the MS in Applied Artificial Intelligence study program, led by experienced faculty members. The course is completely online and focuses on practical applications of AI programming, machine learning, data learning, and data science. During the program, learners will have the opportunity to try out AI solutions for real-life issues.

This MS program has a duration of two years. During that time, you can take eight core courses and 10 elective courses, including subjects like Healthcare Analytics, Big Data Analytics, and AI for Biomedical Informatics.

The price of this program is €6,961 per year. It’s worth noting that there’s a set application deadline and starting date for the course. The first upcoming application date is in July, with the program starting in September.

Data Science Degrees: A Complementary Path

Machine learning can be viewed as a subcategory of data science. While the former focuses on methods of supervised and unsupervised AI learning, the latter is a broad field of research. Data science deals with everything from programming languages to AI development and robotics.

Naturally, there’s a considerable correlation between machine learning and data science. In fact, getting familiar with the principles of data science can be quite helpful when studying machine learning. That’s why we compiled a list of degree programs for data science that will complement your machine learning education perfectly.

Top Online Data Science Degree Programs

Purdue Global – Online Bachelor of Science Degree in Analytics

Data analytics represents one of the essential facets of data science. The Online Bachelor of Science Degree in Analytics program is an excellent choice to get familiar with data science skills. To that end, the program may complement your machine learning knowledge or serve as a starting point for a more focused pursuit of data science.

The curriculum includes nine different paths of professional specialization. Some of those concentrations include cloud computing, network administration, game development, and software development in various programming languages.

Studying full-time, you should be able to complete the program within four years. Each course has a limited term of 10 weeks. The program in total requires 180 credits, and the price of one credit is $371 or its equivalent in euros.

Berlin School of Business and Innovation – MSc Data Analytics

MSc Data Analytics is a postgraduate program from the Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI). As an MSc curriculum, the program is relatively complex and demanding, but will be more than worthwhile for anyone wanting to gain a firm grasp of data analytics.

This is a traditional on-campus course that also has an online variant. The program focuses on data analysis and extraction and predictive modeling. While it could serve as a complementary degree to machine learning, it’s worth noting that this course may be the most useful for those pursuing a multidisciplinary approach.

This MSc course lasts for 18 months. Pricing differs between EU and non-EU students, with the former paying €8,000 and the latter €12,600.

Imperial College London – Machine Learning and Data Science

It’s apparent from the very name that this Imperial College London program represents an ideal mix. Machine Learning and Data Science combines the two disciplines, providing a thorough insight into their fundamentals and applications.

The two-year program is tailored for part-time learners. It consists of core modules like Programming for Data Science, Ethics in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, and Applicable Mathematics.

This British-based program costs £16,200 yearly, both for domestic and overseas students. Some of the methods include lectures, tutorials, exercises, and reading materials.

Thriving Career Opportunities With a Masters in Machine Learning Online

Jobs in machine learning require proper education. The chances of becoming a professional in the field without mastering the subject are small – the industry needs experts.

A Master’s degree in machine learning can open exciting and lucrative career paths. Some of the best careers in the field include:

  • Data scientist
  • Machine learning engineer
  • Business intelligence developer
  • NLP scientist
  • Software engineer
  • Machine learning designer
  • Computational linguist
  • Software developer

These professions pay quite well across the EU market. The median annual salary for a machine learning specialist is about €70,000 in Germany, €68,000 in the Netherlands, €46,000 in France, and €36,000 in Italy.

On the higher end, salaries in these countries can reach €98,000, €113,000, €72,000, and €65,000, respectively. To reach these more exclusive salaries, you’ll need to have a quality education in the field and a level of experience.

Become Proficient in Machine Learning Skills

Getting a Master’s degree in machine learning online is convenient, easily accessible, and represents a significant career milestone. With the pace at which the industry is growing today, it would be a wise choice.

Since the best programs offer a thorough education, great references, and a chance for networking, there’s no reason not to check out the courses on offer. Ideally, getting the degree could mark the start of a successful career in machine learning.

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Top Three Courses in BSc Computer Science With Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
June 30, 2023

AI is already a massive industry – valued at $136.55 billion (approx. €124.82 billion) as of 2022 – and it’s only going to get bigger as we come to grips with what AI can do. As a student, you stand on the cusp of the AI tidal wave and you have an opportunity to ride that wave into a decades-long career.

But you need a starting point for that career – a BSc computer science with artificial intelligence. The three courses discussed in this article are the best for budding AI masters.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a BSc Computer Science With AI Program

Before choosing your BSc, you need to know what to look for in a good course:

  • Institution Accreditation – Whoever provides the course should offer solid accreditation so that you know you can trust the institution and that potential future employers actually respect the qualification you have on your VC.
  • An AI-Focused Curriculum – Not all computer science bachelor’s degrees are the same. The one you choose needs to offer a specific focus on AI or machine learning so you can build the foundations for later specialization.
  • Faculty Expertise – A course led by instructors who don’t know much about AI is like the blind leading the blind. Every mentor, instructor, and lecturer needs to have provable knowledge and industry experience.
  • Job Opportunities – Every chance you have to “get your hands dirty” with AI is going to look great on your CV. Look for courses that create pathways into internships and job programs. Associations with organizations like IBM are a great place to start.
  • Financial Aid – It isn’t cheap to study a BSc artificial intelligence and machine learning. Degrees cost thousands of Euros per year (the average in Europe is about €3,000, though prices can go higher) so the availability of financial aid is a huge help.

Top BSc Computer Science With AI Programs

Studying from the best is how you become a leader in the AI field. The combination of expert tuition and the name recognition that comes from having a degree from one of the following institutions stands you in good stead for success in the AI industry. Here are the top three organizations (with degrees available to overseas students) in the world.

Course 1 – BSc Artificial Intelligence – The University of Edinburgh

Named as one of the top 10 AI courses in the world by Forbes, The University of Edinburgh’s offering has everything you need from a great BSc computer science with artificial intelligence. It’s a four-year full-time course that focuses on the applications of AI in the modern world, with students developing the skills to build intelligent systems capable of making human-like decisions. The course is taught by the university’s School of Informatics, led by National Robotarium academic co-lead Professor Helen Hastie.

The course starts simple, with the first year dedicated to learning the language of computers before the second year introduces students to software development and data science concepts. By the third year, you’ll be digging deep into machine learning and robotics. That year also comes with opportunities to study abroad.

As for career prospects, The University of Edinburgh has a Careers Service department that can put you in line for internships at multi-national businesses. Add to that the university’s huge alumni network (essentially a huge group of professionals willing to help students with their careers) and this is a course that offers a great route into the industry.

Course 2 – Artificial Intelligence Program – Carnegie Mellon University

Ranked as the top university in the world for AI courses by Edurank, Carnegie Mellon University is a tough nut to crack if you want to study its world-renowned program. You’ll face a ton of competition, as evidenced by the university’s 17% acceptance rate, and the program is directed by Reid Simmons. For those who don’t recognize the name, he’s been a frontrunner in leveraging AI for NASA and was the creator of the “Robotceptionist.”

As for the course, it blends foundational mathematical, statistical, and computer science concepts with a wide variety of AI modules. It’s robotics-focused (that’s no surprise given the director), though you’ll also learn how AI applies on a perceptive level. The use of AI in speech processing, search engines, and even photography are just some examples of the concepts this course teaches.

Carnegie Mellon takes an interesting approach to internships, as it offers both career and academic internships. Career internships are what you’d expect – placements with major companies where you get to put your skills into practice. An academic internship is different because you’ll be based in the university and will work alongside its faculty on research projects.

Course 3 – BSc in Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

It should come as no surprise that MIT makes it onto the list given the school’s engineering and tech focus. Like Carnegie Mellon’s AI course, it’s tough to get into the MIT course (only a 7% acceptance rate) but simply having MIT on your CV makes you attractive to employers.

The course takes in multiple foundational topics, such as programming in Python and introductions to machine learning algorithms, before moving into a robotics focus in its application modules. But it’s the opportunities for research that make this one stand out. MIT has departments dedicated to the use of AI in society, healthcare, communications, and speech processing, making this course ideal for those who wish to pursue a specialization.

Networking opportunities abound, too. MIT’s AI faculty has 92 members, all with different types of expertise, who can guide you on your path and potentially introduce you to career opportunities. Combine that with the fact you’ll be working with some of the world’s best and brightest and you have a course that’s built for your success in the AI industry.

Emerging BSc Computer Science With AI programs

Given that AI is clearly going to be enormously important to developing industry in the coming years, it’s no surprise that many institutions are creating their own BSc computer science with artificial intelligence courses. In the UK alone, the likes of Queen’s University Belfast and Cardiff University are quickly catching up to The University of Edinburgh, especially in the robotics field.

In North America, the University of Toronto is making waves with a course that’s ranked the best in Canada and fifth in North America by EduRank. Interestingly, that course is a little easier to get into than many comparable North American courses, given its 43% acceptance rate.

Back in the UK, the University of Oxford is also doing well with AI, though its current courses tend to be shorter and specialized in areas like utilizing AI in business. We’re also seeing Asian universities make great progress with their courses, as both Tsinghua University and Nanyang Technological University are establishing themselves as leaders in the space.

Importance of Hands-On Experience and Internships

As important as foundational and theoretical knowledge is, it’s when you get hands-on that you start to understand how much of an impact AI will have on business and society at large. Good universities recognize this and offer hands-on experience (either via research or internship programs) that offer three core benefits:

  • Gain Practical Skills – Becoming a walking encyclopedia for the theory of AI is great if you intend on becoming a teacher. But for everybody else, working with hands-on practical experiments and examples is required to develop the practical skills that employers seek.
  • Networking – A strong faculty (ideally with industry as well as academic connections) will take you a long way in your BSc computer science with artificial intelligence. The more people you encounter, the more connections you build and the better your prospects are when you complete your course.
  • Enhanced Job Prospects – Getting hands-on with real-world examples, and having evidence of that work, shows employers that you know how to use the knowledge you have knocking around your head. The more practical a course gets, the better it enhances your job prospects.

Scholarships and Financial Aid Opportunities

Due to BSc artificial intelligence and machine learning courses being so expensive (remember – an average of €3,000 per year), financial aid is going to be important for many students. In the UK, that aid often comes in the form of student loans, which you don’t have to start repaying until you hit a certain earnings threshold.

When we take things Europe-wide, more scholarship and financial aid programs become available. The Erasmus program offers funding for master’s students (assuming they meet the criteria) and there are several scholarship portals, such as EURAXESS and Scholarshipportal designed to help with financial aid.

If this is something you’re interested in, the following tips may help you obtain funding:

  • Excel academically in pre-university studies to demonstrate your potential
  • Speak to the finance teams at your university of choice to see what’s currently available
  • Apply for as many scholarship and aid programs as you can to boost your chances of success

Try the Top BSc Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Programs

The three BSc computer science with artificial intelligence programs discussed in this article are among the best in the world for many reasons. They combine intelligence course focuses with faculty who not only know how to teach AI but have practical experience that helps you learn and can serve useful networking purposes.

The latter will prove increasingly important as the AI industry grows and becomes more competitive. But as with any form of education, your own needs are paramount. Choose the best course for your needs (whether it’s one from this list or an online BSc) and focus your efforts on becoming the best you can be.

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Masters in AI and ML: Top Programs for Aspiring Experts
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
June 23, 2023

Few computer science concepts have been as popular as artificial intelligence and machine learning. Traditionally reserved for sci-fi and fantasy, these disciplines have entered the real world and been eagerly welcomed by the public. Of course, tech companies and businesses across all industries were also quick to reap the benefits of AI and ML.

Today, the job market is full of offers for experts in the two fields. More importantly, plenty of those job listings come from leading companies, representing prime career opportunities. But tech giants want genuine experts – people thoroughly educated in the field.

Getting an MSc in AI and machine learning is an excellent way to gain the knowledge, experience, and proper credentials to land some of the most profitable and exciting jobs in the industry. The possibilities here are almost unlimited: You can enroll at a university for live classes or obtain your master’s degree in AI and machine learning online.

We’ve compiled a list of the best programs to get your masters in AI and ML. Let’s look at what the top educational institutions have to offer.

Factors to Consider when Choosing a Masters Program in AI and ML

Picking the best masters in machine learning and artificial intelligence isn’t a straightforward choice. Many institutions offer courses on the subject, but not all of them are of equal quality. Here are the essential criteria to consider when deciding which course to take:

  • University reputation and ranking: The first factor to look at is whether the university is well-regarded among current and former students, as well as internationally. A reputable institution will usually meet other quality criteria as well.
  • Curriculum and course offerings: Every masters in AI and ML program will be slightly different. You should examine the curriculum closely to find out if the classes match your educational and professional goals.
  • Research opportunities and faculty expertise: There’s plenty of theory in AI and ML, but the core value of these disciplines lies in practical application. That’s why you’ll want to pick a program with ample research and hands-on opportunities. On a similar note, the faculty members should be industry experts who can explain and show real-life uses of the skills taught.
  • Job placement and industry connections: Besides the knowledge, top MSc in AI and machine learning programs will provide access to industry networks and the relevant job market. This will be one of the greatest advantages of enrollment. You’ll get the chance to enter the AI and MS professional landscape upon graduation or, in some cases, during the program.
  • Tuition fees and financial aid: Studying at top universities can be costly and may impact your budget severely. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t get quality education without breaking the bank. You can find reasonably priced offers or financial aid methods to help you along the way.

Top 5 Masters Programs in AI and ML

1. Imperial College London – MSc in Artificial Intelligence

The Imperial College in London offers intensive AI and programming training in this MSc program. During your studies, you’ll gain the essential and advanced technical skills, as well as experience in practical AI application.

This program lasts for one year and includes full-time studying on site in South Kensington. The total fee, expressed in British Pounds, is £21,000 for UK students and £39,400 for learners from abroad. To enroll, you’ll need to meet the minimum requirements of a degree in engineering, physics, mathematics, or similar fields.

In terms of the curriculum, this program’s core modules include Introduction to Machine Learning, Introduction to Symbolic Artificial Intelligence, and Python Programming. You’ll participate in individual and group projects and have access to state-of-the-art computing labs.

Certain projects are done in collaboration with leading AI companies, representing an excellent opportunity to get in touch with acclaimed tech professionals. As a result, graduates from this program have improved chances of finding high-level work in the industry.

2. University of Tuebingen – International Master’s Program in Machine Learning

The master’s in machine learning from the University of Tuebingen is a flexible program with particular emphasis on statistical ML and deep learning. The institution ensures the lectures follow the latest trends in the ever-developing machine learning field.

You can finish the studies during the four semesters of the program or take an extra semester. In that case, you’ll be eligible for a note of distinction, depending on the quality of your thesis. Non-EU students will need to pay a fee of €1,500 per semester along with a €160 semester fee. Students from the EU and others eligible for fee exceptions will only have to cover the semester fees.

As mentioned, the curriculum is exceptionally flexible. The program features only three mandatory lectures: Probabilistic Inference and Learning, Statistical Machine Learning, and Deep Learning. All other lectures are elective, so you can tailor the program to fit your needs and goals precisely.

The lecturers at Tuebingen University, all renowned machine learning researchers, will work with you actively during the program. Owing to the institution’s interdisciplinary approach, you’ll be able to work on your thesis under the supervision of any computer science professor, regardless of their particular field of expertise.

As a partner of the Max Planck Institute, this university regularly collaborates with world-class tech professionals and innovators. And as a student of the University of Tuebingen, you’ll have the chance to meet and work with those authorities. You can even write your thesis during an apprenticeship with a leading tech company.

3. University of Amsterdam – Master in Artificial Intelligence

The artificial intelligence MSc at the University of Amsterdam is among the most comprehensive programs worldwide. It’s designed to provide students with a broad scope of knowledge about AI and its practical application.

This is a full-time, regular program that lasts for two years and takes place in the university’s Science Park. The tuition fee for Dutch, Swiss, Surinamese, or EU students is €2,314, while other learners will need to pay €16,500. It’s worth mentioning that scholarships are available for all students.

For the first year, the curriculum includes seven core courses meant to establish a strong foundation in machine learning, computer vision, and NLP. The second year consists entirely of electives, both restricted and free-choice. Of course, you’ll wrap up the program with an AI thesis.

This artificial intelligence MSc program offers excellent career prospects. Many alumni have found work in distinguished positions at leading tech or tech-adjacent companies like Google, Eagle Vision, Airbnb, and Volvo.

4. Johns Hopkins University – Artificial Intelligence Master’s Program Online

As one of the leading educational centers in the world, Johns Hopkins University provides exceptional programs and courses in numerous areas. This online AI master’s program is no different. It will give you a solid understanding of the subject in theory and practice.

To earn this degree, you’ll need to pass 10 courses in the total period of five years. Since Johns Hopkins is a U.S. university, the tuition fees are expressed in dollars. The standard fee per course is $6,290. However, this program is a part of the university’s Engineering for Professionals division, and all courses in that division are subject to a special dean’s discount. The actual price you’ll pay, therefore, will be $5,090 per course or $50,900 in total.

The core courses you’ll take will include Introduction to Algorithms or Algorithms for Data Science, Applied Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Creating AI-Enabled Systems. The rest of the curriculum will consist of six electives – you’ll have 26 to choose from.

The faculty consists of acclaimed experts, and the university has close ties with industry-leading companies. Both of which will help you build your network and connect with professionals who may help advance your career.

5. KTH Sweden – MSc Machine Learning

Housed at the university’s campus in Stockholm, this MSc in machine learning program is a part of the KTHs School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The program examines different facets of machine learning and how they apply to problem-solving in the real world.

The program is broken down into four semesters and lasts for two years total, if completed regularly. Swiss and EU students need not pay fees for program application or tuition. For other learners, the tuition fee for the whole program will be SEK 310,000, while the application fee is SEK 900.

The curriculum consists of mandatory and elective classes, with the electives being conditioned. For example, you’ll need to choose a minimum of six courses from the two groups of Theory and Application Domain.

KTH has an impressive percentage of graduates who found employment – 97%. Of those, half have assumed leadership positions, and one in 10 works in a managerial role. In fact, more than half of KHTs students start working in their respective industries before getting the degree. This serves as proof of the stellar reputation that KHT enjoys nation- and worldwide.

Become an Expert in the Leading Computer Science Disciplines

Getting a masters in AI and ML can help you find your place in these highly competitive industries. Of course, it will be necessary to find a program that suits you to maximize your chances of success.

Whichever program you choose, one thing is certain: Machine learning and artificial intelligence will continue to grow in importance. With a proper education, you’ll be able to keep up the pace and may find yourself among the experts leading the progress in these disciplines.

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