If we think of “computer science” as an umbrella term for so many aspects of computing today, its importance is immediately apparent. Artificial intelligence (and the programming that lies behind it) falls into the computer science category. The same goes for machine learning, data science, networking, cybersecurity, and so many other elements of what make modern computing technology tick.

You need a solid grounding in computer science – both general concepts and theory – to move into one of these areas of specialization. And if you need to get that grounding on a budget, these free computer science courses teach you what you need to know and come with a handy certification.

Top Free Certified Computer Science Online Courses

As surprising as it may seem, you don’t have to pay money to get an education in computer science that employers actually care about. Free courses exist. And many of these free online computer science courses deliver a certification that proves your knowledge and comes from an institution that employers respect.

Course 1 – CS50: Introduction to Computer Science (Harvard University)

We’re stretching the definition of “free and certified” with the first course on the list. Though it’s free to take (and you get an audit of your performance without paying a penny), the verified certification for Harvard’s CS50 course costs $189 (approx. €175).

Assuming you’re willing to part with the cash, this course gives you a certificate from one of the United States’ most respected institutions, in addition to a crash course in computer science fundamentals. Over 11 weeks of self-paced learning (you’ll need to commit at least 10 hours per week to the course) you’ll develop a fundamental understanding of computer science and the programming that underpins it.

Concepts covered include data structures, abstraction, web development, and algorithms, creating a course that melds the math of modern computing with the theoretical concepts you’ll apply in the real world. Prospective programmers enjoy some diversity, too, as the course teaches the basics of several languages. Python, C, JavaScript, and HTML are all covered, though not in enough detail for you to achieve mastery in any of them. Still, as online certified courses for computer science go, CS50 delivers a prestigious certificate and exposes you to ambitious peers who may offer networking potential beyond the course content.

Course 2 – CS50’s Computer Science for Business Professionals (Harvard University)

It’s hard to look beyond Harvard when it comes to free computer science courses because you’re getting education and certification from a top university. With CS50 Computer Science for Business Professionals, Harvard moves beyond the tech-centric approach of its usual CS50 course to demonstrate how computer science principles apply in a real-world setting.

It’s a short course, clocking in at six weeks of study and only requiring two-to-six hours of work per week. That makes it perfect for professionals who want to boost their knowledge without a full-time commitment. You’ll tackle more high-level concepts in computer science, including the fundamentals of cloud computing and how to build technology stacks. All of which makes this like a speed run through of what you need to know about computing on a business level.

That’s not to say you won’t learn any technical theory. Several programming languages are covered (albeit in short-form style), as are the basics of computational thinking. But like CS50 above, certification comes at a cost, even if the course itself is free. Paying for an optional upgrade with EDX (through which the course is offered) is the only way to nab your certificate, if you do get a free course audit to demonstrate completion regardless.

Course 3 – Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Offered in conjunction with the EDX platform, this computer science online course takes a Python-focused approach to its teaching. Unlike CS50, which covers a wide range of topics in brief, MIT’s course focuses on how computer science is like a tool that you can use to create software and algorithms. Python 3.5 is the technology behind that tool and you’ll learn how to use it by examining and analyzing real-world problems.

The nine-week course starts by demonstrating the basics of Python (some self-learning and expansion of these concepts may be required) before moving into algorithms. Once you’ve gotten to grips with basic algorithm creation, you’ll learn how to test what you create and how those algorithms become the building blocks of complex data structures.

You have to make a substantial time commitment with this course, with MIT requiring you to spend at least 14 hours per week on your studies if you wish to stick to the nine-week schedule. And though effective in teaching you the basics of Python, the course is really a primer for a second MIT course – Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science – that requires payment. But it’s a useful course as a standalone product, but you’ll have to pay a fee to EDX if you want a course-centric certificate.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Free Certified Computer Science Online Course

The trio of free online computer science courses discussed above each offer something different. Depending on your choice, you’ll get a bottom-up crash course in the theory, a practical understanding of how computer science works in a business context, or an in-depth guide to using Python. But when choosing between the three courses above (or any other courses you find) you must consider the following factors.

The Course Content and Its Relevance to Your Goals

The big question here is – what do you want to achieve with the course?

Sure, having a certificate, especially one with a major university’s name on it, is nice. But if that certificate demonstrates that you’ve learned skills that you don’t need for your intended career path then it’s not worth the paper it’s printed on.

Think of choosing a course like making an investment on which you expect a return. Outline your goals – both learning-centric and career-based – for taking the course. Then, find a course that helps you to reach those goals through laser-focused learning on topics you’ll use in the future.

Course Duration and Flexibility

For a young learner without full-time work or family commitments, taking on a computer science online course that requires months of study may not be a big deal. But that’s not the case for everybody. If you have limited hours available during the week, you need a course that you can fit into those hours rather than one that forces you to fit your life around the course.

Thankfully, most free online computer science courses make allowances for schedule flexibility by taking a self-paced learning approach. You’ll get access to all of the course resources upfront, allowing you to choose when you study. You may be able to get ahead during one week in preparation for a week where you know you can’t commit as much time, giving you the flexibility you need to fit the course into your schedule.

The Instructors and Their Expertise

Would you want to learn the theory of how to pilot a plane from somebody who’s never been up in the air? Of course you wouldn’t, and you must adopt the same attitude when choosing a computer science course.

Check the faculty list associated with the course (most reputable courses tell you who created them) and dig into their individual credentials. What have they done in the computer science industry? Where did they learn what they know? The answers to these questions tell you if your instructors and, by extension, your course are credible.

The Value of the Certification

When it comes to certification, look beyond the website that offers the course and instead focus on the institution that created it. For example, CS50’s Computer Science for Business Professionals is offered via the EDX platform, which doesn’t mean much to potential employers. But that certificate comes with a stamp of approval from Harvard University, which is a school that’s going to immediately raise eyebrows if it’s on your CV.

The point is that reputation matters, though it’s the reputation of the course creator that matters above that of the course platform. The more prestigious the name on the piece of paper, the more valuable the certificate is in the eyes of employers.

Tips for Successfully Completing a Free Certified Computer Science Online Course

With the tips for sifting through the sands of free computer science courses established, let’s round things off with some quick tips that’ll help you succeed in your studies:

  • Set clear goals for your education from the outset, with those goals aligning with your current experience level and desired outcomes.
  • Create a study schedule that fits around your commitments and stick to it as closely as you can.
  • Don’t skip assignments or practical sessions because everything included in the course is there to teach you something valuable.
  • Engage with the course community both to get advice from your peers and to potentially create networking opportunities.
  • Dedicate time to revision and research when preparing for exams or practical assessments to ensure you fully understand the course content.

Get Certified for Free and Improve Your Job Prospects

Given the importance of computer science to modern business – even the simplest of companies use software and have networks – it’s reasonable to want to build your knowledge of the subject. Free online computer science courses allow you to do that in exchange for a time commitment, with many allowing you to inject some flexibility into your study schedule.

Explore the three courses highlighted here, and look beyond them to more specialized courses once you’re confident in the foundational knowledge you’ve built. And remember – even a certificate from a free course has value in the job market if that course was created by a recognized institution.

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OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
Jul 20, 2024 4 min read


By Stephanie Mullins

Many people love to read the stories of successful business school graduates to see what they’ve achieved using the lessons, insights and connections from the programmes they’ve studied. We speak to one alumnus, Riccardo Ocleppo, who studied at top business schools including London Business School (LBS) and INSEAD, about the education institution called OPIT which he created after business school.

Please introduce yourself and your career to date. 

I am the founder of OPIT — Open Institute of Technology, a fully accredited Higher Education Institution (HEI) under the European Qualification Framework (EQF) by the MFHEA Authority. OPIT also partners with WES (World Education Services), a trusted non-profit providing verified education credential assessments (ECA) in the US and Canada for foreign degrees and certificates.  

Prior to founding OPIT, I established Docsity, a global community boasting 15 million registered university students worldwide and partnerships with over 250 Universities and Business Schools. My academic background includes an MSc in Electronics from Politecnico di Torino and an MSc in Management from London Business School. 

Why did you decide to create OPIT Open Institute of Technology? 

Higher education has a profound impact on people’s futures. Through quality higher education, people can aspire to a better and more fulfilling future.  

The mission behind OPIT is to democratise access to high-quality higher education in the fields that will be in high demand in the coming decades: Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Cybersecurity, and Digital Innovation. 

Since launching my first company in the education field, I’ve engaged with countless students, partnered with hundreds of universities, and collaborated with professors and companies. Through these interactions, I’ve observed a gap between traditional university curricula and the skills demanded by today’s job market, particularly in Computer Science and Technology. 

I founded OPIT to bridge this gap by modernising education, making it affordable, and enhancing the digital learning experience. By collaborating with international professors and forging solid relationships with global companies, we are creating a dynamic online community and developing high-quality digital learning content. This approach ensures our students benefit from a flexible, cutting-edge, and stress-free learning environment. 

Why do you think an education in tech is relevant in today’s business landscape?

As depicted by the World Economic Forum’s “Future of Jobs 2023” report, the demand for skilled tech professionals remains (and will remain) robust across industries, driven by the critical role of advanced technologies in business success. 

Today’s companies require individuals who can innovate and execute complex solutions. A degree in fields like computer science, cybersecurity, data science, digital business or AI equips graduates with essential skills to thrive in this dynamic industry. 

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the global tech talent shortage will exceed 85 million workers by 2030. The Korn Ferry Institute warns that this gap could result in hundreds of billions in lost revenue across the US, Europe, and Asia.  

To address this challenge, OPIT aims to democratise access to technology education. Our competency-based and applied approach, coupled with a flexible online learning experience, empowers students to progress at their own pace, demonstrating their skills as they advance.  

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The European: Balancing AI’s Market Research Potential
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
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With careful planning, ethical considerations, and ensuring human oversight is maintained, AI can have huge market research benefits, says Lorenzo Livi of the Open Institute of Technology.

By Lorenzo Livi

To market well, you need to get something interesting in front of those who are interested. That takes a lot of thinking, a lot of work, and a whole bunch of research. But what if the bulk of that thinking, work and research could be done for you? What would that mean for marketing as an industry, and market research specifically?

With the recent explosion of AI onto the world stage, big changes are coming in the marketing industry. But will AI be able to do market research as successfully? Simply, the answer is yes. A big, fat, resounding yes. In fact, AI has the potential to revolutionise market research.

Ensuring that people have a clear understanding of what exactly AI is is crucial, given its seismic effect on our world. Common questions that even occur amongst people at the forefront of marketing, such as, “Who invented AI?” or, “Where is the main AI system located?” highlight a widespread misunderstanding about the nature of AI.

As for the notion of a central “main thing” running AI, it’s essential to clarify that AI systems exist in various forms and locations. AI algorithms and models can run on individual computers, servers, or even specialized hardware designed for AI processing, commonly referred to as AI chips. These systems can be distributed across multiple locations, including data centres, cloud platforms, and edge devices. They can also be used anywhere, so long as you have a compatible device and an internet connection.

While the concept of AI may seem abstract or mysterious to some, it’s important to approach it with a clear understanding of its principles and applications. By promoting education and awareness about AI, we can dispel misconceptions and facilitate meaningful conversations about its role in society.

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