
In courses like Cloud Computing and Project Management, we align with industry-recognized certifications

Top-notch academic leaders

Our selection process focused on recruiting Professors with great academic experience, a strong knowledge of today's Computer Science, and a hands-on teaching approach.
Prof. Francesco Profumo

By designing our degrees from scratch we redefined the learning experience in a way that both the academic and professional worlds require today.

Prof. Francesco Profumo OPIT Head of Institution
Former Minister of Education in Italy
Francesco Derchi
Francesco Derchi
Chloé Ipert
Chloé Ipert
Matthew Jelavic
Matthew Jelavic
Lokesh Vij
Lokesh Vij

A global student community

Courses demo

Entry requirements

Whether you have high school qualifications or you are already working, you can attend our valuable degree that will help move your career forward.

Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate

We accept qualifications from around the world

English proficiency as B2-level certificate or equivalent

If you don't have an English certificate, try our test

Credit transfer of previous study and work experience

Our admission team will support you in the process

Frequently Asked Questions

See all FAQs